Issue 541 to

Get to Know Your In-Laws

Exploring the potential of accessory dwelling units

Getting to Know Your In-Laws

Can a once marginal and almost completely invisible housing type help solve San Francisco’s current housing shortage?

San Francisco is exploring how accessory dwelling units, also known as in-law apartments, might augment its existing housing supply. Can this once marginal, almost completely invisible housing type help solve San Francisco’s current housing shortage?

Urbanism From Within

SPUR's exhibition Urbanism From Within explores the secondary unit as a housing typology

SPUR's latest exhibition, Urbanism From Within, explores the secondary unit in San Francisco as a housing typology. The exhibition's creative investigations provide a variety of approaches to how the Accessory Dwelling Unit, or ADU, can be put to better use as housing in ways that do little to change the fabric of the community.

Urban Field Notes: Playgrounds of Copenhagen

Designing a city for everyone includes designing it for children

Though the policies regulating playground safety in the United States are well intentioned, they have effectively turned playgrounds into homogeneous, sterile environments. With this in mind, a reporter sets off to record the most creative playgrounds in Copenhagen — the ones that offer a true opportunity for kids to explore their own imaginations.

Member Profile: Nate Echeverria

Yeah, he knows the way to San Jose

Nate Echeverria's creative thinking is helping transform downtown into a true destination.