Issue 563
A New Strategy for the Region
The Bay Area in Crisis: A Call to Action
To solve regional problems, we must think like a region.
SPUR is pleased to announce the launch of a major new project: the development of a regional strategy for the Bay Area. We aim to paint an aspirational picture of a better future, develop strategies to get us there — and inspire others to join us.
Can We Achieve Regionalism?
Learning from past efforts at solving regional issues in the Bay Area
The region’s history is full of successful efforts to solve specific regional issues but additional measures are required to tackle current challenges at scale.
Urban Field Notes: Exploring the Bay Area by Transit
There is plenty to see, and plenty of transit, around the Bay Area but the experience is far from seamless.
There is plenty to see, and plenty of transit, around the Bay Area but the experience is far from seamless.
Member Profile: Jodie Medeiros
Working to make San Francisco lively, safe, sustainable and healthy.
Jodie Medeiros is working to make San Francisco lively, safe, sustainable and healthy.