
A New Life for SB 50

Lunchtime Forum

We’re improving the SPUR event registration process.
SPUR has launched a new ticketing system and we're asking you to register for each event that you're planning to attend. This will help us keep you informed of any changes that may occur and enable us to better tailor our programming to your interests.


In 2019, Senate Bill 50 — the major legislative effort that would eliminate restrictive zoning along major transit lines and job centers, thus paving the way for denser, more transit-friendly housing development across the state — became stymied in Sacramento before a vote could occur. With the concerns surrounding California’s housing crisis as pertinent as ever, the bill returned to the state legislature this January, only to be defeated. Join us to hear more about the bill’s difficult path and get an update on its current status.

+ Pedro Galvao / Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
+ Brian Hanlon / California YIMBY
+ Xiomara Cisneros / Bay Area Council
+ Sen. Scott Wiener / California State Senate


Free for SPUR members
$10 for non-members 

Pre-registration is required >>

When registering, please use the same email address that you use to receive SPUR emails.

Refund Policy

Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.

Auxiliary Services

If, in order to participate in a SPUR event, you need auxiliary aids or services for a disability (e.g., qualified interpreter, qualified reader, written materials, taped texts) please submit your request five business days before the event to [email protected] or 415-781-8726 x132. SPUR will work with you in identifying effective auxiliary aids or services that it can provide. If you need to cancel your request, please notify SPUR at least two business days before the event.