SPUR Comments on the Diridon Station Area Plan Draft

Letter supporting the draft of the Diridon Station Area Plan and recommending specific adjustments before it is adopted.

Advocacy Letter

SPUR supports the broad outlines of the City of San Jose's draft Diridon Station Area Plan. This area is an opportunity to implement the vision and policies set forth in the city's Envision 2040 General Plan, including strengthening and expanding downtown and achieving the ambitious target to grow walking, cycling, transit and carpools to 60% of all commute trips. It is also an area of regional and statewide significance given the projected transit investment. Of primary importance is ensuring significant and high-quality development in the station area to achieve high transit ridership while successfully implementing the placemaking and transportation policies discussed in the plan.

We do, however, think that the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DPEIR) does not provide sufficient analysis of some of the project impacts. This letter reviews what we support about the Diridon Station Area Plan and the DPEIR; areas that deserve special attention, particularly in the plan’s implementation; and areas that should be corrected, modified or further studied.