San Francisco

Comparative Urbanism: Learning from Jakarta

Special Program


View overlooking the Hub -Mission and South Van Ness-in San Francisco

The relations between cities in developed economies and cities of the Global South have traditionally been one of emulation: by modernizing in ways that were previously modeled in Europe and North America, cities in postcolonial countries could optimize urban development. In the 21st century, many cities in the Global South are larger and more dynamic than cities of the West. As San Francisco faces new challenges, considering emergent models can provide new perspectives. This event will present urbanist scholars from Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR) in Jakarta—the world’s second largest city and one of its fastest growing—who will discuss current patterns of urban transformation there. Join SPUR and USF for a series of roundtables with urbanists from the Bay Area that will engage these concepts in the local context to discern collectively what lessons we can take away from engaging with Asia’s emerging cities.

Conference Schedule:

  • 1:00 - 2:30PM Panel Discussion and Presentations on Urban Development in Contemporary Jakarta
    • Moderator: John Zarobell / Professor of International Studies, USF
      • Kemal Taruc, “Aftershock: Urban Planning for Post-Capitol Jakarta” (virtual presentation)
      • Nadia Ayu Lestari, “Technology and Informal Commerce: New Directions for Popular Labor”
      • Regina Suryadjaja, “New Towns, New Peripheries: Rapid, Vast and Massive”
  • 2:45 - 3:30 PM Roundtable 1: Aftershock: Urban Planning for Post-Capitol Jakarta
    • Moderator, Tanu Sankalia / Professor of Art + Architecture, USF
      • Kemal Taruc / Senior Advisor at BAPPENAS and Professor, UNTAR (virtual)
      • Grace Jiyun Lee / Cultural Districts and SoMa Stabilization Program Manager, City and County of San Francisco
      • Benjamin Grant / Senior Planner, SITELAB Urban Studio
  • 3:30 - 4:15 PM Roundtable 2: Technology and Informal Commerce: New Directions for Popular Labor
    • Moderator, Pedro Lange-Churión / Program Director and Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, USF
      • Nadia Ayu Lestari / Professor, Urban Planning and Real Estate, UNTAR
      • Keally McBride / Professor and Chair of Politics, USF
      • Margot Rose Lederer / Founder, Kerja Sama USA
  • 4:15 - 5:00 PM Roundtable 3: New Towns, New Peripheries: Rapid, Vast, and Massive
    • Moderator, Adrienne Johnson / Professor, Environmental Studies Program, USF
      • Regina Suryadjaja / Professor, Urban Planning and Real Estate, UNTAR
      • Egon Terplan / Senior Fellow, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley
      • Brian Jencek / Director, Global Planning and Landscape Architecture, HOK
      • Abby Thorne-Lyman / Director, Base Reuse and Economic Development Department, City of Alameda
      • Ned Resnikoff / Policy Director, California YIMBY
  • 5:00 - 6:00 PM Post-Event Mixer


Doors will open 30 minutes in advance of the program.



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