a global pandemic
a mass awakening to racial injustice
severe wildfires
an endangered democracy
But creating great places is not enough.
We sought solutions for the thousands of Bay Area residents who experience the gaps in our society’s safety net…
While we rolled up our sleeves to respond to the immediate crisis, we also kept our eyes on its structural causes.
producing enough housing for all income levels
preventing displacement of long-time residents
protecting communities from sea level rise.
the principles and policies that provide for quality of place...
and those that ensure diverse, vibrant communities in which all people know they belong.
but to lay the groundwork for a stronger, healthier region for generations to come.
SPUR’s research considered how the region can equitably tackle its biggest challenges, from the immediate crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic to long-term issues such as housing affordability, economic inequality and climate change. SPUR continued work on its Regional Strategy initiative and is nearing publication of this vision for the Bay Area of 2070.

A Future Bay Area for Everyone
SPUR released the report Model Places, which envisioned a future Bay Area that can welcome everyone. In partnership with AECOM, SPUR investigated what it would take to accommodate new residents and jobs without paving over green spaces or pushing out long-time community members. Using land-use data to assign “place types'' to every part of the region, Model Places imagined what six of these place types — from residential suburbs to dense downtowns — could look like if they grew in more equitable and sustainable ways.

Working Toward Seamless Transit
SPUR continued work on how to make the region’s two dozen transit services function like one rational, easy-to-use network. The Future of Transportation described how public transit and private emerging mobility providers, such as ride-hailing and shared-scooter companies, can play to their respective strengths, function as a seamless network and provide access for everyone. A separate report, A Regional Transit Coordinator for the Bay Area, looked at what it would take to coordinate transit operations and investments across a cohesive regional network. The answer lies in giving one institution the job — and the authority to carry it out.

A Close Look at the Housing Crisis
SPUR took an in-depth look at how much housing the Bay Area needs to build to sufficiently address the region’s housing crisis and stop income inequality from getting worse. What It Will Really Take to Create an Affordable Bay Area determined how many units the region should have built over the last 20 years and laid the groundwork for future efforts to provide housing for all residents of the region. This research helped to generate a series of policy recommendations, to be published this spring. SPUR also partnered with California Forward to produce a paper that explored whether state housing policy discourages housing production.

A More Equitable and Inclusive Economy
SPUR launched a new area of work, Economic Justice, to explore policies that can enable all people to gain economic security and participate in the Bay Area’s thriving economy. The report Undue Burden looked at three options for instituting a low-income sales tax credit or supplement to create a more equitable tax code. Mending the Net examined three state benefits programs and explored how application processes could be streamlined so that more people get the support they need. And Ladders Out of Poverty looked at the successes of existing unrestricted cash transfer programs and offered five options the region should consider pursuing.

Building Transit in Less Time, for Less Money
Delivering transit megaprojects is notoriously difficult. They take decades from start to finish and frequently go over budget. SPUR’s report More for Less offered 10 policy proposals for delivering transportation projects in less time and for less money to create a more reliable, integrated and frequent transit network. A companion report, Infrastructure Bay Area, expanded on SPUR’s recommendation to create a specialized entity that would lead the procurement and delivery of all of the Bay Area’s major transit projects.

Strengthening the Region’s Resiliency
The Bay Area faces myriad climate-related threats, including wildfires and rising sea levels. SPUR released Safety First: Improving Hazard Resilience in the Bay Area, which used a region-wide lens to look at how to improve resilience to multiple hazards. This report offered policy recommendations for enhancing data and information gathering, community planning and funding to strengthen resilience to wildfires, flooding and earthquakes throughout the Bay Area.

Inclusive Public Spaces
As more and more Bay Area residents find themselves without homes, it is essential that cities design and manage public spaces for coexistence so that people of all backgrounds can find joy, belonging and safety in them. As part of an ongoing project to reimagine how San José’s Guadalupe River Park can better serve the community, SPUR worked with Gehl Studio to produce Coexistence in Public Space, an engagement toolkit designed to help cities create shared spaces in places with homelessness. The toolkit has had national influence and is being used in cities across the country as well as locally.
Throughout the pandemic, SPUR participated in critical economic recovery task forces and convened local leaders to create guidance on how cities in the Bay Area could support their residents and small businesses. Seeing an opportunity to influence policy on a broader scale, SPUR also grew its presence at the state level and co-sponsored three pieces of legislation that were passed in September 2020.

Responding to the Pandemic
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, SPUR adjusted its focus to respond to the immediate crises facing the communities of the Bay Area. Under the Rising Together initiative, SPUR worked with community partners and stakeholders to provide policy recommendations to safeguard small businesses and ground-floor retail, address crippling water debt, expand access to social safety net programs, save transit from economic collapse, reallocate public spaces for healthy uses and shore up critical housing production. SPUR was also a strong voice in support of slow streets — closing certain routes to traffic so residents could comfortably enjoy the outdoors.

Economic Recovery Efforts
During the COVID-19 pandemic, SPUR leaders participated in the region’s major recovery task forces, including the San Francisco Economic Recovery Task Force, the Silicon Valley Recovery Roundtable, the City of Oakland’s Economic Recovery Advisory Council and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC’s) Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force. SPUR advocated for policies and practices that would help cities in the Bay Area recover while laying the groundwork for a more equitable future.

State Legislation on Housing, Emergency Shelter and Sustainable Transportation
SPUR co-sponsored three bills that were signed into law in September 2020. AB 831 clarified 2017 legislation that streamlined the housing approvals process (SB 35), making it simpler and faster to build multifamily housing with affordable units. AB 2553 made it easier for cities that declare a shelter crisis to provide shelter. SB 288 expanded California Environmental Quality Act exemptions to speed up the delivery of the state’s sustainable transportation projects, including bicycle and pedestrian projects, buses, bus rapid transit, light rail and zero-emission fueling infrastructure.

San José’s 2040 General Plan
SPUR co-chaired the Envision San José 2040 Task Force and provided critical insight as the city reevaluated key goals of its general plan and made adjustments moving forward. Among the many topics SPUR has helped San José address are housing issues, the implementation of urban villages, Coyote Valley preservation and policies to reduce driving.

Adapting to Rising Sea Levels
SPUR served on Bay Adapt’s advisory committee to help establish regional agreement on what is needed to protect people and the environment from sea level rise. The San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas, a collaboration between SPUR and the San Francisco Estuary Institute, has served as a guiding resource for this group as it works to address this imminent threat.

Encouraging Transit-Oriented Development
SPUR worked with MTC’s technical advisory committee to update the commission’s transit-oriented development policy to help ensure that the Bay Area continues to leverage its transit hubs to deliver dense, diverse and vibrant communities that take advantage of transit resources and provide stability for existing residents.

Building a Strong Coalition
SPUR was a lead convener of the new California Home Builders Alliance, an informal advocacy coalition focusing on state legislation and regulatory reforms to build more housing. Priorities include streamlining the approvals process and changing zoning rules to increase the supply of housing, particularly for lower- and moderate-income households.

Promoting Food as Medicine
SPUR led a statewide coalition of more than 100 organizations to advocate that the California Department of Health Care Services officially permit Medi-Cal funds to be used, on a pilot basis, to pay for interventions such as produce prescriptions, grocery boxes and food pharmacies, making healthy food more affordable for low-income Californians.

Expanding Access to Fresh Produce
SPUR’s Double Up Food Bucks program doubled in size as the pandemic spurred a jump in the number of people using CalFresh, the state food assistance program. By the end of 2020, low-income families had redeemed twice as many Double Up Food Bucks benefits as they had in the previous year, helping them better afford fresh fruits and vegetables.
In March, shelter-in-place orders stymied one of SPUR’s greatest strengths: bringing people together in person to discuss ideas and learn from each other. In one afternoon, SPUR pivoted its public forums to online “digital discourses” to meet people where they were. During a time when many folks felt isolated, SPUR continued to build community by bringing people together to discuss how the Bay Area can address the most pressing challenges.

Expanding the Audience, Virtually
SPUR’s digital discourses attracted more than 15,000 people and featured an array of amazing speakers covering a range of timely topics. Key partners collaborated to deliver engaging and thought-provoking content to residents in their homes. SPUR hosted two programs with KQED on civic engagement, which drew more than 3,000 viewers. In partnership with Move LA, SPUR also co-hosted a three-part series called Vision 2022, which explored the critical need for major action on climate change and the possibility of a climate-funding ballot measure in 2022.

Equity and Public Space: Ideas + Action 2020
At a time when public spaces — and who gets to use them — took on unprecedented importance for our communities, SPUR’s first Ideas + Action symposium brought together public space experts from across North America and attendees from even farther away. More than 1,500 people took part in keynotes, panel discussions and small-group workshops that explored the challenges and triumphs of creating and maintaining inclusive and equitable public spaces.

A Bigger and Better SPUR Voter Guide
Ahead of a generation-defining election, SPUR expanded its November 2020 voter guide to include all state propositions and local measures in San Francisco, San José and Oakland. SPUR researched 35 measures, weighed the pros and cons of each and considered their equity impacts before issuing voting recommendations. The guide garnered over 350,000 unique page views in October alone.

Mayors’ Forum: Leadership in a Time of Crisis
In August, SPUR hosted a forum with Mayors Breed, Liccardo and Schaaf of San Francisco, San José and Oakland, respectively, to discuss how the cities of the Bay Area can collectively work toward a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous region, especially in the context of a global pandemic and economic recession.

Honoring Bay Area Leaders
SPUR’s 2020 Silver SPUR Awards honored three extraordinary individuals striving to build belonging in the Bay Area: Kofi Bonner, Carla Javits and john a. powell. SPUR welcomed nearly 2,000 attendees to the virtual event, which featured a conversation between The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah and SPUR President and CEO Alicia John-Baptiste.
Fiscal Year
Statement of Activities and Financial Position
As of March 31, 2021
note: financial statements are unaudited
Revenue | $8,235,404 | |
Membership | $3,708,790 | 45% |
Grants | $2,105,592 | 26% |
Special Events | $1,131,640 | 14% |
Earned Income | $1,289,383 | 15% |
Expenses | $7,233,624 | |
Policy, Programs and Publications | $5,408,905 | 75% |
Development | $1,107,282 | 15% |
Admin | $717,437 | 10% |
Net Income | $1,001,780 | |
Net Assets | $15,729,992 | |
Assets | $18,644,451 | |
Liabilities | $2,914,459 |
President’s Letter

The Road to Renewal
As the world enters a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at SPUR are looking forward with cautious optimism. We know there is a long road ahead: Not only did the pandemic unmask serious structural challenges in the Bay Area and beyond, it exacerbated them. Our communities have been devastated, our small businesses are under threat and our downtowns are largely empty.
The path to renewal is steep, but there is also cause for hope. Never before has there been such a shared desire for a “better normal.” And we have proven across the region that when we work together, we can overcome even the deadliest of threats. That spirit of cooperation is essential to achieving a brighter future.
Throughout the pandemic, SPUR has remained committed to bringing our best policy thinking to the table and collaborating with civic leaders throughout the region to advance a stronger Bay Area. This spring, we will publish the SPUR Regional Strategy, a road map for the equitable, sustainable and prosperous region so many of us wish to see. In the coming year, we will work to implement the central principles of this strategy — from graceful growth to a just economy — to ensure that our region experiences not only a recovery but a renewal.
Facing a global pandemic, racial injustice and severe climate dangers has sharpened our focus at SPUR. We are more eager than ever to bring to life our vision for a Bay Area where all people thrive. We are grateful for your support and partnership in this most challenging of years, and we look forward to what we will create together in the year to come.
Alicia John-Baptiste
President and CEO
We apologize for any omissions or inaccuracies to this listing and will publish any corrections on this page. This list represents gifts made in 2020.
* Deceased
Thank you for making this work possible
SPUR Annual Contributors
SPUR gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions made by the following organizations and individuals.
Special thanks to our Regional Strategy Donors
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation
Dignity Health
George Miller
Hellman Foundation
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Marin Community Foundation
Sage Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Stanford University
Additional funding provided by AECOM, Fund for the Environment and Urban Life, Microsoft, Seed Fund, Stripe, Uber Technologies and Wells Fargo.
Foundations & Grant Support
11th Hour Project
Anthem Blue Cross
Applied Materials Foundation
Autodesk Foundation
The Center for Good Food Purchasing
Clif Bar Family Foundation
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
FIRST 5 Santa Clara County
Gaia Fund
The Health Trust
Hellman Foundation Fund
The John & Marcia Goldman Foundation
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Benefit Program
Koret Foundation
The Laney and Pasha Thornton Foundation
Leslie Family Foundation
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation
Marin Community Foundation
Mary A. Crocker Trust
Pisces Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Santa Clara County Social Services Agency
The Schauble Family Foundation
Seed Fund
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sobrato Philanthropies
Stanford University
Stupski Foundation
Summit Foundation
Sunlight Giving Foundation
USDA Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program
Voices for Healthy Kids, an initiative of the American Heart Association
Wells Fargo Foundation
William H. Cilker Family Foundation
Yerba Buena Community Benefit District
SPUR Resilience Fund Supporters
Nadia Anderson
David Baker & Yosh Asato
Andy & Sara Barnes
Alvin Baum* & Robert Holgate
Deb Boyer
Christopher Brown
Michaela Cassidy
Tilly Chang
Jim Chappell
Carmen Chu
Shelley Doran
Tamsen Drew
Donald Falk
Tyra Fennell
Diane Filippi & Ephraim Hirsch
Linda Jo Fitz
Jean Fraser & Geoffrey Gordon-Creed
David A. Friedman & Paulette J. Meyer
Candice Gonzalez
Peter Gruebele
Anne Halsted* & Wells Whitney
Ed Harrington
Garrett Herbert
Vincent & Amanda Hoenigman
Morten Jensen
Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney
Frankie & Frances Lee
Donna Liu
Ellen Lou
Jacinta McCann & Joe Brown
George Miller & Janet McKinley
Tomiquia Moss & Guthrie Morgan
Kristina Raspe
Bill & Dewey Rosetti
Paul Sack
Dan & Jackie Safier
Molly Turner
Fran Weld
Cynthia Wong
Legacy Society
Individuals who have made or pledged a life estate gift to SPUR
Michael Alexander & Dianna Waggoner
Andy & Sara Barnes
Alvin H. Baum*
Annette L. Billingsley
Cece Blase
Jim Chappell
Linda Day
Diane Filippi
Linda Jo Fitz
Jean S. Fraser
David A. Friedman
Bryan E. Grunwald
Anne Halsted*
Jane & David Hartley
Vincent & Amanda Hoenigman
James Jeong
Toby & Jerry Levine
Terry Micheau
Robert Steinberg
Stephen & Sarah Taber
Lydia Tan
Peter Tannen
Brooks Walker III
Howard Wong
President’s Circle
Linda Jo Fitz
David A. Friedman & Paulette J. Meyer
Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney
Frankie & Frances Lee
Alexander Leff
George A. Miller & Janet McKinley
Dan & Jackie Safier
Stephen Silberstein
V. Fei Tsen & Wayne Lew
Cari Tuna & Dustin Moscovitz
David Baker & Yosh Asato
Andy & Sara Barnes
Alvin H. Baum* & Robert Holgate
Alan Billingsley & John Podolsky
Jim Chappell
David Coulter & Susan Weeks
Leah Culver
Oz Erickson & Dr. Rina Alcalay
Diane Filippi & Ephraim Hirsch
Anne Halsted* & Wells Whitney
Vincent & Amanda Hoenigman
Jacinta McCann & Joe Brown
Terry Micheau & Rob Evans
Bill & Dewey Rosetti
Paul Sack
Gene Schnair & Abby Sadin Schnair
Carl & Diane Shannon
Gussie Stewart
Lydia Tan & John Barton
Barbara & Howard Wollner
Urban Leaders Council
Michael Alexander & Dianna Waggoner
Jaye Bailey
Annette Billingsley & Terry Bergmann
Steven Bills
Cece Blase
Aaron Bloom
Ben And Jocelyn Blumenrose
Ralph Borelli
Matt Bornski
Deb Boyer
Tony Calabrese
Sally Carlson
Michaela Cassidy
Dahlia Chazan
Claudine Cheng
Madeline Chun & Lillian Farnkopf
Anagha Clifford
Stuart Cohen
Bruce Colman & Margaret Sheehan
Gia Daniller-Katz
Oscar De La Torre
Thang Do
Donald Falk
Mark Farrar
Jim & Kenna Fenton
Nuria Fernandez
Bob & Randi Fisher
Bonnie Fisher & Boris Dramov
Paul Fitzgerald
David & Vicki Fleishhacker
Jean Fraser & Geoffrey Gordon-Creed
Marsha Gale
Derek Gordon
John Grcina
Jennifer Gridley
Claude Gruen
Ed Harrington
David & Jane Hartley
Stanley Herzstein & Lynn Altshuler
Dennis Hopkins
James Hormel & Michael Nguyen
George & Leslie Hume
Aaron Johnson
Corey Johnson
Robert Joseph
Ron & Barbara Kaufman
Michael Kossman
David Kremer
Sidhardha Lakireddy
Barbara Lawrence
Noah Lazarus
Jerry & Toby Levine
Mark Liang
Steven Linde
Donna Liu
Richard & Marilyn Lonergan
Ellen Lou
Jessica Lunney
Erik Malmstrom
Jonathan Manzo
Marsha Maytum & William Leddy
Paul McCauley & Joan Kugler
Steven Merrill
Terence & Abigail Meurk
Andy Montgomery
Constance B. Moore
Jennifer Moore
Clare Murphy
Jeanne R. Myerson
Henry Navas & Deborah Robbins
Heather & Robin Olinto
John Parman
Devan Paul
Regina Phelps
Ramya Raghavan
Arthur Rock & Toni Rembe-Rock
Marci Riseman & Evan Sagerman
Christopher Roach
Andrew Robbins & Kate Bedford
Richard & Barbara Rosenberg
Caroline Rosetti-Staack
Trudy & Charles Salter
Debbie & Michael Shepherd
Michael Siliski & Robyn Lamar
Joshua Simon
Mark Slee
Joe Speicher
Charlie Stigler
Luke & Elizabeth Swartz
Margaret Swink & Robert Saliba
Jack Sylvan
Michael Teitz
Laney & Pasha Thornton
Leah Toeniskoetter
Sally Towse
Thanh Tran
Jeffrey Truesdell
Jeffrey Tumlin
Molly Turner
Elñora Webb
Frances Weld
Jean-Marie White
Kate White
Anne Whitty
Robert Wilkins
Marcel & Jennifer Wilson
Patrick Windham
Jacqueline Young
Suelyn Yu
Blanca Alvarado
John Bliss & Kim Thompson
Jan Botha
Andrew Branscomb
Justin Brickell
Ninive Calegari
Carolyn Choy
Edward & Nancy Conner
Spencer Crawford
Tamsen Drew
Louise Dyble
Martha Ehrenfeld
Will Hayworth
Craig Heckman
Laurie Johnson
Joshua Karlin-Resnick
Loren Kieve
Charles Koch
Joe Lachoff
Robert Lawrence
Susan Leal
Stephen Levy
James Lima
Tom Lockard
Charles Long
Steve Lowe
John W. Mackenzie
Monica & John Marcone
Nathan Mee
Beverly Mills
Jim Morrison
Lester Olmstead-Rose
Jonathon Paul
Mark & Tia Pierce
Ramya Raghavan
Jose Rodriguez
Kirby Sack
Barbara Sahm & Steven Winkel
Rich Shrieve
John Skibbe
Dan Slaughter
Michael Spiegelman
Emma Stewart
Paulett Taggart
Robert Tufts
Alejandra Valladarez
Paul Van Every
Frederick Wilhelm
David Woltering
Elizabeth Yost
Ratna Amin
Mary Aronson
Dario Avram
Andrea Baker
Betsy Beros
Simon Bertrang
Rick Bonilla
Ashley Boren
Robin Bot-Milller
Eunice Childs
Lillie Chilen
Gordon Chong
Carmen Chu
Alger Ciabattoni
Kimberly Conner
Mitchell Conner
Matt Curwood
Richard DeLeon
Sarah Denny
Elaine & Dana Ditmore
Shannon Dodge
Philip Erickson
Doug Farr & Lille Van der Zanden
Anne Fauvre
Tyra Fennell
Lisa Fisher
Richard Fleischman
Robert Gamble
Lynn Ganz
Nitin Garg
Noah Gaspar
Martin Gellen
Hillary Gitelman & Susan McCue
Jeffrey Glickman
Ron Golem
Candice Gonzalez
Gretchen Grant
Matthew Gray
Michael Gross
Peter Gruebele
Cyrus Hall
Kate Hartley
Marc Haumann
Gary Hedden
Caley Heekin
Chris Heisterkamp
Michael & Megan Janis
Alma Jauregui
Carla Javits
Christine Johnson
Barbara & David Kimport
Laura Kramp
David Kriozere
David Kroot
Owen Lawlor
Jessica Lessin
Niko Letunic
Brian Liles
Jane Lin
Derek Lindner
Bob Linscheid
Camille Llanes-Fontanilla
Paul Loeffler & Michael Sullivan
Richard Lund
John Madden
Beckett Madden-Woods
Paul Maltzer
John Marx
Cathy Maupin
Adam Mayberry
Mary McGuire-Hickey
Tracy McMillan
Adam Michaud
Maureen & Mark Middleton
E.B. Min
Melanie Mintz
Kay & Bob Moline
Alicia Murasaki
Daniel Murphy
Adhi Nagraj
Jessie O’Malley
David Pai
Tony Pantaleoni
Susan Poliwka
Laurie Poston & Brian Ferrall
Allison Quach & Kieran Gupta
Robert Raburn
Laura Rambin
Anne Randolph
Angela & Kris Rausch
Byron Rhett
Megan Ring
Roderick Roche
Francois Rodigari
Michael Rooney
Max Ross
Sarah Rosston
Alan Rothenberg
Rebecca Rothman
David Sacarelos
Jonathan Schuppert
Peter Scott
Sayed Shafi
Paul Silvern
Pieter Smith
Peter Straus
David Sundell
Stephen & Sarah Taber
Elizabeth & Martin Terplan
Irene Tibbits
Peter Tuozzolo
Chad Upham
Martin Vanderlaan
Daniel Vasini
Michael Veale
John Vu & Greg Ripa
Richard Jay Wallace
Amy & Ming Wang
Vivian Wang
Darrin Ward
Saebra Waterstraut
Susan Woodward
Paul Workman
Jessica Zenk & Kevin Armstrong
Scott Zimmermann
Urban Infrastructure Council
Board Co-Chairs
Kate White, ARUP
Paul Woolford, HOK
Aedis Architects
BKF Engineers
Brown and Caldwell
Cahill Contractors
The Core Companies
Hart Howerton Architects Design
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
HNTB Corporation
Kohn Pedersen Fox
Lowney Architecture
Pankow Builders, Ltd.
Plant Construction Company, L.P.
San Jose Water Company
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
Sherwood Design Engineers
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP (SOM)
Steinberg Hart
Suffolk Construction
SWA Services Group
Swinerton Builders
Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT)
Webcor Builders
Civic Tech Council
Board Co-Chairs
Rebecca Prozan, Google
Molly Turner, UC Berkeley
Adobe Systems
Amazon Web Services
Cisco Systems
Cruise Automation
Initialized Capital Management
LinkedIn Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Raise Commercial Real Estate
Uber Technologies
Verizon Wireless
Planning & Architecture Council
Board Co-Chairs
Ellen Lou, SOM
Jeffrey Till, Hart Howerton Architects Design
Aedis Architects
Agora Partners
ARC Alternative and Renewable Construction, LLC
brick. CMG Landscape Architecture
David Baker Architects
EHDD Architecture
Gould Evans
Handel Architects, LLP
Hart Howerton Architects Design
Heller Manus Architects
HGA Architects & Engineers
HKS Architects
JRDV Architects
Kohn Pedersen Fox
KTGY Group
Lowney Architecture
MBH Architects
Page & Turnbull
Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
PYATOK Architects
RMW Architecture & Interiors
SERA Architects
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP (SOM)
Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)
Steinberg Hart
Studio Current
STUDIOS Architecture
SVA Architects
SWA Services Group
TCA Architects
TEF Design
Terrain Studio
Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT)
Woods Bagot Architects
WRNS Studio, LLP
Business Members & Donors
Alaska Airlines
Boston Properties
Brookfield Properties
Cisco Systems
Dignity Health
Initialized Capital Management
Jay Paul Company
Jordan Real Estate Investments
JRDV Architects
Kaiser Permanente
McKinsey & Company
Pankow Builders, Ltd.
Presidio Trust
Riaz Capital
Sand Hill Property Company
San Francisco International Airport
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)
Sobrato Development Organization
Suffolk Construction
Swinerton Builders
The Swig Company
Tishman Speyer
Uber Technologies
Adobe Systems
Alexandria Real Estate Equities
Bank of America
Bank of the West
BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Cahill Contractors
Carmel Partners
Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass, LLP
The Core Companies
Cruise Automation
Eastdil Secured
EHDD Architecture
Emerald Fund
First Republic Bank
Golden State Warriors
Gould Evans
Grosvenor Americas
Hart Howerton Architects Design
Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
Hines Interests
HKS Architects
HNTB Corporation
J. Abrams Law, P.C.
The John Stewart Company
Kapor Center
Kilroy Realty Corporation
Kohn Pedersen Fox
Lowney Architecture
Mercy Housing
Oracle Corporation
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
Paul Hastings
Pelosi Law Group
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
Plant Construction Company, L.P.
Port of Oakland
Port of San Francisco
Prado Group
Raise Commercial Real Estate
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector
San Jose Water Company
Sherwood Design Engineers
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP (SOM)
Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)
Steinberg Hart
SummerHill Housing Group
Urban Community
Verizon Wireless
Webcor Builders
Wilson Meany, L.P.
Zoom Video Communications
AC Transit
Aedis Architects
Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis, LLP
AvalonBay Communities
Bank of America – San Jose
Baylands Development
Bessemer Trust Company
BKF Engineers
The Boldt Company
Brown and Caldwell
Burke, Williams and Sorensen, LLP
CIM Group
City of Oakland Planning & Building Department
City of San Jose Department of Environmental Services
CMG Landscape Architecture
DAL Properties, LLC
David Baker Architects
Equity Residential
Hanson Bridgett, LLP
Heller Manus Architects
HGA Architects & Engineers
Highbridge Equity Partners
HMH Engineers
IBEW Local 332
Jamestown, L.P.
Jones Hall
Juniper Networks
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Lane Partners, LLC
Lighthouse Public Affairs
Lockheed Martin
Lubin Olson & Niewiadomski, LLP
MBH Architects
New Deal Advisers
Nibbi Brothers General Contractors
Northern California Carpenters Regional Council (NCCRC)
Oakland Athletics
Office of the Controller, City & County of San Francisco
One Vassar, LLC
Pacific Waterfront Partners, LLC
Page & Turnbull
Parkmerced Owner, LLC
Petrinovich Pugh & Co., LLP
Platinum Advisors, LLC
Related California
RMW Architecture & Interiors
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
San Francisco Department of Human Resources
San Francisco Department of Public Health
San Francisco Human Services Agency
San Francisco State University
San José State University
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
Seifel Consulting
Shorenstein Properties, LLC
Sierra Maestra Properties
Stanford University
Studio Current
Technology Credit Union
TEF Design
TMC Financing
TPG Capital, L.P.
UA Local Union 393
University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
University of San Francisco (USF)
Urban Catalyst
Urban Planning Partners
Valley Oak Partners, LLC
Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT)
Wells Fargo & Co.
YMCA of San Francisco
Agora Partners
ARC Alternative and Renewable Construction, LLC
Arnold & Porter, LLP
A.R. Sanchez-Corea & Associates
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
Bayview Development Group
Bridge Bank
Build, Inc.
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
Carpenters Local Union 22
Carpenters Local Union 405
Carpenters Local Union 713
CB Richard Ellis Group (CBRE)
CHS Consulting Group
City of Morgan Hill
City of Mountain View
City of Oakland Department of Economic & Workforce Development
City of Oakland Department of Transportation
City of San Jose
City of San Jose Public Library
Clear Peak Development
DCI Engineers
Devcon Construction
Donahue Fitzgerald, LLP
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
East Bay Regional Park District
Ellis Partners, LLC
Environmental Science Associates (ESA)
Equity Community Builders
Farella Braun + Martel, LLP
Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
Fifth Third Commercial Bank
Final Assembly
First Community Housing
Forell/Elsesser Engineers
Handel Architects, LLP
Hirsch Philanthropy Partners
Holland & Knight, LLP
Hopkins & Carley
Hospital Council of Northern and Central California
HR&A Advisors
Hudson Pacific Properties
KTGY Group
Laborers International Union of North America Local 270
La Clínica de La Raza
Lakevision Capital West, LLC
Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects
McCarthy Building Companies
Mill Creek Residential
Mineta San José International Airport
MNS Engineers
Moscone Emblidge & Rubens, LLP
Mott MacDonald
Municipal Executives Association
Panoramic Interests
Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Perkins Coie, LLP
Power Engineering Construction Co.
PYATOK Architects
San Francisco Planning Department
San Francisco Public Works (SF DPW)
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department
Sares Regis Group of Northern California
The Schoennauer Company
SERA Architects
Silicon Valley Bank
SITELAB urban studio
Sprinkler Fitters Local 483
srmERNST Development Partners
SVA Architects
TCA Architects
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC)
Terracommercial Real Estate Co.
Tidewater Capital
Toeniskoetter Development & Construction
Tri-Valley – San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority
Turner & Townsend
The Unity Council
Wendel Rosen, LLP
Yerba Buena Community Benefit District (YBCBD)
Zanker Recycling
ADCO Group
Alameda Health System Foundation
Anderson Brulé Architects
Architectural Resources Group
Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co., LLC
Baker Street Associates
Brereton Architects
Buttrick Projects Architecture and Design
California Apartment Association
Cambridge Systematics
Cathedral Hill
CAW Architects
Center for Elders’ Independence
City of Fremont
City of San Jose Department of Housing
City of San Jose Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services
City of San Jose Department of Public Works
City of San Jose Department of Transportation
City of San Jose Office of Economic Development
Civic Edge Consulting
Cubic Transportation Systems
Degenkolb Engineers
D. N. & E. Walter & Co.
Eden Housing
Enterprise Community Partners
Fidelity National Title
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
FMG Architects
Fougeron Architecture
Hargreaves Associates
Hearst Corporation
Heather Young Architects
HKIT Architects
Hoge Fenton Jones & Appel
Housing Trust Silicon Valley
Hunter Properties
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Jack London Improvement District
Keyser Marston Associates
Kilroy Realty Corporation – 303 Second Street
Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust Southwest (LECET)
Lennar Multifamily Communities
Mark Cavagnero Associates
Martin Building Company
McCarthy Ranch
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
Meyer Capital Partners, LLC
Mineta Transportation Institute (SJSU Research Foundation)
Northern California District Council of Laborers
Oakland Museum of California
Office of Charles F. Bloszies, Ltd.
Ogden Contract Interiors
Old Republic Title Company – San Francisco
OpenScope Studio
Oryx Capital Partners, LP
PFM Financial Advisors, LLC
Pound Management
Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey (RHAA Landscape Architecture + Planning)
Rutherford + Chekene
Samuel Merritt University
San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)
San Francisco Electrical Construction Industry Local 6
San Francisco Firefighters Local 798
San Francisco Parks Alliance
San Jose Earthquakes
San Jose Sharks
San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans)
San Mateo County Transportation Authority
Santa Clara & San Benito Counties Building & Construction Trades Council (SCBTC)
Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
Schwab Charitable
SSL Law Firm
Studio T-SQ
Transbay Joint Powers Authority
Union Square Business Improvement District
Uptown Downtown Community Benefit Districts
Urban Economics
WP Investments
Individual Members
Mary Claire Abbott
David Abercrombie
Daniel Adams
David Adams
Pamela Owen Adams
Marcia & John Addison
Craig Adelman
Amit Agarwal
Sachin Agarwal
Asha Agrawal
Rebecca Aguilar
Sarah Ahmadzai
Robert Aikins
Jessica Alba
Kate Albee
Allison Albericci
Raul Alcaraz
Dave Alden
Andrew Aldrich
Andrea Alexander
Daisy Allen
Shannon Allen
James Allison
Wesley Allred
Jason Ally
Gonzalo Alonso
Larry Ames
Maya Amichai
Amber Anastacio-Roberts
Can Anbarlilar
Jennifer Andersen
Adrienne Anderson
Eric Anderson
Nadia Anderson
Gregory Andreas
Donald Andreini
Todd Andrew
Angela Andrews
Chris Andrichak
Marvel Ang
Audrey Angelo-Schwartz
Ozzy Arce
Frankie Arias
Georgina Arias
Leslie Arita
Alice Armitage
Baruti Armstrong
Chris Armstrong
Michael Armstrong
Eric Aronsohn
Adam Aronson
Jacob Aronson
Mikki Asada
Bridget Ash
Ian Ashcraft-Williams
Aissia Ashoori
Yakuh Askew
Roberto Astudillo
Nicholas Atchison
Carline Au
Marylou Avanzino
Rob Avruch
Robert Aydlett
Marilou Ayupan
William Bacon
Lawrence Badiner
Andrew Baird
Lee Baker
Lindsay Baker
Maura Baldwin
Bonnie Bamburg
Patrick Band
Curtis Banks
Luiz Barata
Jerry Barclay
Joan & John Barkan
Julie Barlow
Andrew Barnes
Sarah Barnes
Cory Barringhaus
Peter Bartelme
Sara Barz
Alec Bash
Liza Baskir
Bob Bathrick
Catherine Bauman & Laurence Kornfield
Timothy Bauman
Karl Baumann
Lynn Bayer
Michelle Beaulieu
Jovanka Beckles
Max Beckman-Harned
Stephanie Beechem
Daniel Bell
Paul Bendix
Martha Benioff
Amanda Bensel
Jim Bergdoll
Lauren Berman
Michael Berne
Sandy Bernhard
Antonia Bethel
John Beutler
Joshua Bevan
Lisa Beyer
Matt Biggar
Brian Bills
Hana Bittner
David Black
Theodore Blackburn
Ryan Blahnik
Tim Bland
Benzi Blatman
Lucian Blazej
Howard Blecher
Steven Bliss
Mara Blitzer
Wendy Bloom
William Bloomer
Robert Bluhm
Jane Blumenfeld
Jean Bogiages
Audrey Boguchwal
Scott Bohrer
Lina Bondarenko
David Bonowitz
Patricia Boomer
Jordie Bornstein
Rafi Bortnick
Earl Bossard
Ryan Bosworth
Nancy Botkin & Michael Smith
James Bourgart
Erin Bourne
Cristina Bouzane & Navi Kaur
Derek Braun
John Brazil
Rob Bregoff
Debbie Breisblatt
Clara Brenner
Mary Breuer
Justin Brickell
Philip Brodey
Jordan Brooks
Alexander Brown
Christopher Brown
Ernest Brown
Keith & Felicia Brown
Robinson Brown
Timothy Brown
Fritz Brunner
Julie Buckner
Patrick Buder
Anastasiia Budnyk
John Buehrens
George Buffington
Julia Buford
Gina Bugiada
Dane Bunton
Ken Burke
Laurence Burnett
Shirl Buss
Sabine Butler
Johanna Buurman
Joan Caldwell
Serena Callaway
Christopher Calott
Vladimir Calugaru
Marilyn & Bill Campbell
Michael Campbell
John Caner & Paul Booth
Matthew Cantu
Jorge Carbonell
Patrick Carney
William Carney
Brian Carr
Derek Carr
Eric Carruthers
Matt Carson
Carlos Castellanos
Matt Castillon
Humberto Castro
Scott Cataffa
Jennifer Cavenaugh
Patricia Centeno
Marc Centor
Eli Ceryak
Deni Chambers
Jennifer Chan
Tammy Chan
Tilly Chang
Winnie Chang
Helen Chapman
Sarita Chawla
Harold Check
Carmen Chen
Caroline Chen
Szu-han Chen
Tiffany Chen
Mu-Ping Cheng
Jonathan Cherry
Cheryl Chi
Staly Chin
Kaushal Chokshi
Julie Christensen
Jon Christensen
Terry Christensen
Maily Chu
Liene Cikanovica
Alison Cingolani
Kacey Clagett
Jay Claiborne
Colin Clarke
Bradley Cleveland
Elizabeth Redman Cleveland
Susan Cleveland-Knowles
David Cobb
Martin Cochran
Rachel Cohen
Susie Coliver
Christopher Collins
Robert Collins
Leticia Colnago
Nate Conable
Kate Conner
Zachary Conquer
Christopher Conway
Anne Cook
Allison Cooper
Colin Cooper
Mercedes Corbell
Leslye Corsiglia
Elaine Costello
Laurens Costeris
Cory Covington
Amber Crabbe
Lauren Crasco
Alice Cravens
Anna Cressman
Carole Critchlow
Tim Cronin
Troy Crosby
Tim Culvahouse
Jack Cunha
Darcelle Curtis
L. Evan Custer
Sonja Daggs
Clayton Damron
Drew Dara-Abrams
Fay Darmawi
Benner Davenport
Donna Davies
Joshua Davis
Sheryl Davis
Linda Day
Mary Liz De Jong
Elliott Deal
Bart Deamer
Michelle DeBord
Monica Deka
Patricia Delgado
Robert Del Rosario
Colin Dentel-Post
Pranjali Deokule
Arjun Desai
Susan DesJardin
Kenyon DeVault
Robert DeWaters
Brittany Dhawan
Jason DiBari
Michele DiFrancia
Brian DiGiorgio
Kristen DiStefano
Agostino Di Tommaso
Stephen Doherty
Margaret Dolan
Ryan Doone
Robin Doran
Steven Dorst
Molly Dow
Kevin Dowling
Anne Drazen
Nicola Duesberg
James Dunbar
Chris Duncan
Ian Dunn
Karna DuQuite
Peter Eakland
Christopher Earley
Scott Edmondson
Ted Egan
Joshua Ehrlich
Eric Eidlin
Jean Eisberg
Susan Ellenberg
Tiffany Eng
Laurel Engbretson
James Enright
Howard Epstein
Cameryn Erickson
Whitney Ericson
Randi Ervin
Michael Eshleman
Marco Esposito
Lara Ettenson
Pauline Eveillard
Tracy Everwine
Lesley Ewing
Susan Exline
Morgan Fabian
Milea Fagar
Jackson & Peggy Fahnestock
Benjamin Fahrer
Daniel Fama
Weihang Fan
Chris Fano
Mani Farhadi
José Farrán
Paul Farrell
Amanda Fasenmyer
Jonathan Fearn
Claire Feeney
Casey Feeser
Anne Feldhusen
Joseph Feldman
Kristina Feller
Andrew Ferguson
Donna Ficarrotta
Carmen Figueroa
Giancarlo Filartiga
Katherine Fines
Drew Finke
Ellie Fiore
Jeff Fippin
Frances Fisher
Scott Fitsimones
Kacey Fitzpatrick
Susan Fizzell
Edward B. Flaherty
Dan Flanagan
Kylie Flanagan
Mike Fleisher
William Fleishhacker
Chris Flescher
Moritz Fliedner
Susan Floore
Luis Garcia Flores
Michael Flumian
Luke Foelsch
Eric Foerg
Linda Fogel
Regina Foldes
Stephen Follansbee
Jim Fong
Mike Forster
Bex Fortin
Deserae Foster
Sarah Foster
Fletcher Foti
Jennifer Fox
James Frank
Taryn Fransen
Benjamin Frazier
Douglas Frazier
Sarah Freeman
Worth Freeman
Julia Fremon
Julia Friedlander
Michael Friedman
Paul Fritz
Julie Fry
Peter Fry
Vivian Fu
Frank Fuller
David Fung
Chad Fusco
C.J. Gabbe
Carol Galante
Kalen Gallagher
Linda Galliher
Aliza Gallo
Mitali Ganguly
Michael Garavaglia
William Garrett
David Gartner
Wayne Gaw
Christopher Gebhardt
Megan Gee
Robert Geering
Ed Gerber
Hartmut Gerdes
Marci Gerston
Nicole Ghiselli
Nicole Giambone
Mike Giangrave
Lindy Gibbons
Jim Gilbert
Kristin Gilkerson
Cinda Gilliland
David Ginsborg
Edward Giordano
Serban Giuroiu
Joy Glasier
Roderick Go
Christian Goepel
Carol Goldberg
Karen Goldin
Barbara Goldstein
Robin Goldstein
Dechen Gonnot
Eoanna & Jeff Goodwin
Lindsay Gore
David Gorgani
David Gould
Larry Gould
Stanley Gould
Hugh Graham
Russell Graham
Robert Grandy
Noah Grant
Leslie Gray
Margaret Gray
Cristina Greavu
Stewart Green
Katharine Greenbaum
Denise Greenberg
Ron & Gloria Greenwald
Lauren Greenwood
Vanessa Gregson
Wylie Greig
Ian Griffiths
Matt Grinberg
Melanie Griswold
Kara Gross
Joseph Grubb
Nicole Grucky
Bryan Grunwald
Steve Grupico
Camille Guiriba
Lindsay Haddix
Doug Hagan
Hadi Hajimiri
Clifford Ham
Chia Hamilton
Leslee Hamilton
Nicholas Hamilton
Nathan Hanna
Erik Hanson
Tyler Hanson
Woody Hanson
Anton Haramis
Sandi Harder
Tara Hardesty
Radhika Haridas
Tom Harrington
Matt Harris
Michael Harris
Jared Hart
Kevin Hart
Mac Hart
Peter Hartman
Rachael Hartofelis
Katie Hatch
Andrew Hattori
Linda Hausrath
Skylar Hayden
Douglas Hayward
Matthew Hazel
Daniel Healy
Cindy Heavens
Alan Heck
Barbara Heckman
Richard & Linda Hedges
Kevin Hefner
Jennifer Heggie
Andrew Heidel
Eric Heiman
Joseph Heinen
Mark Helmbrecht
Dominica Henderson
Michael Henn
Michael Hennessey
Mark Hennon
Gregory Hensley
Robert Herman
Weston Hermann
Krista Hermawan
Peter Herrera
Lisa Hettler-Smith & Gordon Smith
Samantha Hewitt
Michael Heylin
Rachel Hiatt
Matthew Hickman
Jessica Hickok
Tamara Hicks
Alexander Hinch
Craig Hine
Melissa Hippard
Cory Hiraga
Lizzy Hirsch
Kazuko Hishida
Harry Hobbs
Dan Hodapp, Peggy DaSilva & Tatiana Hodapp
Alexandra Hoffer
Brian Hoffer
Jim Hoge
Amy Hoke
Rachel Hollowgrass
Kari Holmquist
John Holt
Natalie Homsi
Roger Hooson
Terry Horne
Theresa & Richard Horrigan
Mark Horton
Lys House
Cara Houser
Richard Howard
Jonathan Hoyt
Alexander Hsu
Sharon Hu
Shaochen Huang
Kayla Hughes
Kristina Huhn
Maryann Hulsman
Jennifer Hung
Justin Hu-Nguyen
Linda Hunter
Donna Hurowitz
Huma Husain
Richard Hutson
Francis Hyde
Bill Hynes
Hugh Hynes
Anthony Imhof III & Ellen McLean
Alex Ingersoll
Lucile Irwin
Dean Isaacs
Angel Islas
Kathleen Jackson
Evan Jacob
Eleni Jacobson
Sudhanshu & Lori Jain
Jay Janda
Marnie Javaid
Dave Javid
Amandeep Jawa
Bryant Jenkins
Jarrod Jenkins
Mark Jensen
Nathan Jensen
James Jeong
Herbert Jeong
Yuriko Jewett
Marla Jimenez
Jesse Jobert
Alicia & J.B. John-Baptiste
Ellen Johnck
Adrienne Johnson
Karl Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Marta Johnson
Michael Johnson
Patrick Johnson
Richard Johnson & Alison Sant
Melanie Jones
Trevor Jones
Jennifer Jong
Jeff Joslin
Sarah Jundt
Edward Kako
Stephanie Kam
Ashleigh Kanat
John Kanberg
Kenneth Kao
Edward Kaplan
Jordan Karp
Thor Kaslofsky
Jonathon Kass
Roan Kattouw
Amy Kaufman
James Keenan
Michael Kehl
Matthew Kelemen
Dan Keller
Jonathan Kelly
Mark Kelly
Nicole Kelly
Kieran Kelly-Sneed
Zoe Kelman
Paul Kennedy
Sean Kennedy
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris
Allen Kerr
Susan Kester
Brian Key
Yennga Khuong
Andrew Kilduff
Kevin Killen
Vivienne Kim
Erika Kimball
James Kingdon
Carrie Kingman
Sanford Kingsley
Alexandra Kirby
Aron Kirschner
Gary Kitahata
Paul Kitchell
Natalie Kitchen
Emmeline Kiyan-Tseng
Lisa Klairmont & Harold Kleiderman
Nora Klebow
Reid Kleckner
Frederick Klemeyer
Bryan Klofas
Andrew Kluter
Chris Kluthe
Walter Knoepfel
Chim Ko
Kimberly Koempel
Manu Koenig
Chris Kohlhardt
Rebecca Kohlstrand
Peter Kolbeck
Hans Korve
Richard & Sonja Kos
Eliza Koshland
Andy Kosinski
Cody Kraatz
Sibella Kraus
Alan Kriegel
Eli Krispi
Cynthia Kroll
Joseph Krovoza
Heather Kuiper
Gaurav Kulkarni
Lev Kushner
Alexander Kwok
Adam Kyle
Jonathan Lack
Lila LaHood
Leslie Lai
Tony Laidig
Amber Lamason
Anthony Lamb
Michael Lambert
Marisa Landicho
Neil Lang
Ashley Langworthy
David Larson
Mathew Larson
Roderick Laubscher
Keith Layton
Ann & Jim Lazarus
Kate Lazarus
Sue Lebeck
Roland Lebrun
Jason Lee
Jennifer Lee
Katherine Lee
Olson Lee
Stacey Lee
Casey Leedom
Chad Leege
John Lehnert
Richard Leider
David Leifer
Myong Leigh
Max Lelu
Lewison Lem
Vince Lepera
Eleanor Leshner
Emily Lesk
Rudy Letsche
Martin Leung
Adam Levin
Matthew Levine
Fred Levinson
Eugene Lew
Lillian Lew-Hailer
Skyler Lewis
Zach Lewis
Michael Lewyn
James Li
Lawrence Li
She Ning Li
Edward Liao
Itria Licitra
Catherine Katy Liddell
Florecita Lim
Albert Lin
Austin Lin
Gordon Linden
Norbert Lindenberg
Jackson Lindsay
Marta Lindsey
Steve Line
Kathleen Livermore
Jennifer Liw
Jeremy Lizt
Sian Llewellyn
Raymond Lo
Michelle Loeb
Christoph Lohmann
Rebecca Long
William Long
Emily Loper
Pilar Lorenzana
Hugh Louch
Derrick Low
Richard Lowry
Thomas Loynd
Nathan Lozier
Heidi Lubin
Susan Lucas
Sarah Lum
Matthew Lundgren
Greg Lunkes
Linda Luong
Elinore & Lawrence Lurie
Andre Luthard
John Lyman
Chenghao Lyu
Adam Maass
Peter Maass
Meri Maben
Ian MacGregor
Suzanna Machado
Tanner Machala
Robert Macke
Alexandra Mackie
Larry Madsen
Darcie Maffioli
Richard Magary
Matthew Mahan
Suzette Mahr
John Malamut
Bridget Maley
Isabelle Malouf
Michael Mandelbaum
Roberto Manduchi
Brian Manford
Vrinda Manglik
Anthony Mangonon
Dave Mangot
Henri Mannik
Tricia Mansur
Roxana Marachi
Helen Marcus
Lawrence Marcus
Nina Marinkovich
Nick Marino
Dan Marks
Merideth Marschak
Amy Marshall
Kaki Marshall
Russ Marshall
Barbara & Wilbur Marshman
Matt Martin
John Martoni
Matt Marvin
Daniel Mason
Matthew Materkowski
Anna Mathai
Cynthia Mathews
Christina Mathis
Glenna Matthews
Colette Mauboussin
Art May
Erin McAuliff
Michael McCabe
Edward McCarthy
Michael McCarthy
Ted McCarthy
Benjamin McCloskey
Charlie McCollum
Susan McComb
Brent McDonald
John McDonald
Margot McDonald
Maryanne McGlothlin
Paul McGrath
Thomas & Donna McIntosh-Fletcher
Bob McLaughlin
Rachel McQueen
David Meckel
Linda Meckel
Jodie Medeiros
Kirsten Meder
William Mee
Andy Meger
Nicole Melas
Linda Mendez-Ortiz
Nathaniel Merriss
Wallace Mersereau
Maria-Clara Mesa
Mark Mesiti-Miller
Benjamin Metcalf
Gabriel Metcalf & Elizabeth Sullivan
Amy Meyer
Randy Meyers
Robert Meyers
Matthew Millado
Marie Millares
Brandon Miller
Deborah Miller
Gregory Miller & Gail Karn
Joe Miller
Lloyd Miller
Mark Miller
Paige Miller
Jeanne Milligan
Katharine Minott
Jesse Mintz-Roth
Maryam Miri
Chris Mitchell
Michael Montgomery
Dorsey Moore
Hal & Patti Moore
Brenna Moorhead
Carmelisa Morales
Edward Moran
Megan Moran & Hector Gonzales
Chris Morgan
Matthew Morgan
Stuart Morgan
Samuel Mori
Edward Morimoto
Leroy Morishita
Robert & Mia Morrill
Amy Morris
Caroline Morris
Marc Morris
Michele Morris
Richard Morrison
Sally Morrow
Douglas Morss
Kirsten Moy
Richard Mullane
David Mullen
Jarrett Mullen
Prashanth Mundkur
Robert Munson
Terrence Murphey
Danny Murphy
James Murphy
Michael Murphy
Richard Murray
Matthew Myers & Natalie Bonnewit
Nolan Myers
Elizabeth Nachman
Pam Nagle
Yuta Naka
Dorian Nasby
Andrew Nash
Anu Natarajan
Annette Nellen
Andrea Nelson
Scott Nesmith
Paige Nethercutt
Lois Neuberger
Jodi Neuman
Richard Newbold
Joanne Ng
Sheila Nickolopoulos
Douglas Nicolson
Iliana Niculescu
Sally Nielsen
Taylor Nielsen
Nick Nieto
Sabina Nieto
Christopher Nixon
Steve Noack
Adam Noble
Erica Nobori
Rachel Norton
Rita Norton
Andrew Nowak
Bob Nuñez
Bruce Nye
Ian O’Banion
Jeff Oberdorfer
Sean O’Brien
Daniel O’Connor
Michelle Odom & Sunil Paul
Margie O’Driscoll
Edward Oelman
Andrew Oglesby
Elizabeth Oh
Miah Olmsted
Roger Olpin
Anna Olsen
Robert Olshansky
Scott Olson
Hazel O’Neil
Katherine Oneto
Tom Opdycke & Carol Brost
John Oram
Catherine Ordeman
Alexandra Orologas
Rishi Ostrowski
Luciano C. Oviedo
Scott Owens
Aarthi Padmanabhan
Cyrus Pai
Rudabeh Pakravan
Angela Palermo
Nicholas Palter
Ayse Pamuk
John Pang
Leo Panian
Dennis Paoletti
James Pappas
Ryan Park
Kasia Parker
Whitney Parra
Lisa Partida
Scott Paterson
Jason Patton
Maxine Patwardhan
Devan Paul
Nicole Paul
Romain Paulus
Elizabeth Payne
Stephen Pearce
Barry Pearl
Mark Pearson
John Peattie
Christopher Pederson
Christian Peeples
Tina Peng
Steve Pepple
Arthur Perez
Mark Perry
Steve Perry
Cristina Prather Persson
David Peters
Matt Petrofsky
Denny Phan
Michael Pickford
Kim Piechota
Nick Pilch
Natasha Pinto
Mary Pishny
David Plotkin
Charles Plummer
Anne Politeo
Fred Pollack
Noah Pollaczek
Tom Poston
Niels Povlsen
Alexander Powell
Laura Powell
Sharon Prager
Bruce Prescott
Mark Press
Laurel Prevetti
John Price
Marquita Price
Sandra Price
Sarah Price
Stewart Pringle
Mary Prisco
Aaron Priven
Dan Pruim
William Purcell
Mark Purser
Charles Purvis
Brian Quan
Liriola Quiel & Ramsey Wright
Dan Quigley
Jennifer & Alexander Quinn
Michael Rabanal
Siddharth Ramakrishnan
Abigail Ramsden
Marvin Ranaldson
Brian Randall
Victor Randall
Rafael Rangell
Peter Rasmussen
Ellie Ratcliff
Virginia Rathke
Eric Ratner
Lisa Ratner
Susannah Raub
Matthew Read
James Reber
Elizabeth Reder
Christine Reed
Mathew Reed
Robert Rees
Michael Reilly
Rob Rennie
Margaret Rhee
Dave Rhoads
Jeffrey Rhoads
Karen Rhodes
Jason Ricca
Christopher Rice
Ken Rich
Andrew Richard
Graham Richard
James Richert
Liz Richmond
Stuart Rickard
Molly Riddle
Julian Riediger
Greg Riessen
Mary Riley
Caterina Rindi
Maria Ristow
Emily Roach
Page Robbins
Deborah Robertson-Christman
Vince Rocha
Steven Rochon
Bryan Rodriguez
Will Rogan
Alice Rogers
Christelle Rohaut
Apollo Rojas
Hector Rojas
Jessica Romm
Carlos Rosario
Sally & Toby Rosenblatt
Jeanne Rosenmeier
David Rosnow
Daphne Ross
Laura Ross
Steven Ross
Sybille Roth
Pele Rouge
Jay Rubenstein
Dana Rubin
Gayle Rubin
Rhonda Rubinstein & David Peters
Lisa Ruder
Kelli Rudnick
Melissa Ruhl
Kenneth Russell
Rosanna Russell
Susan Russell
Andrés Saavedra
Robert Sabbatini
Derek Sagehorn
Christina Salehi
Robert Sammons
John Sampson
Alejandro Sanchez
Rino Sanchez
Debra Sanderson
Will Sandman
Angela Santurbano
Felix Sargent
Kathleen Sasso
Chris Sater
Mark Sawicki
Kion Sawney
Michael Schaier
Jordan Schalich
Jeremiah Schaub
Tyler Schenk-Wasson
Fredrick Schermer
Thomas Schiavone
Gary Schilling & Stefan Hastrup
John Schlenke
Clayton Schloss
Brian Schmidt
Alison Schmitt
Kenneth Schreiber
Maxim Schrogin
Justin Schultz
Max Schultz
Donna Schumacher
Elliot Schwartz
Hannah Schwartz
Ali Schwarz
Kathleen Scott
Monica Scott
John Sealander
Maureen Sedonaen
Susie See
Robert Semper
Christopher Sensenig
Pranay Sethi
Tim Seufert
Lori Severino
Patrice Shaffer
Abhishek Sharma
Ritu Sharma
Saurabh Sharma
Brian Shaw
Shannon Sheets
Cynthia Shegalov
Huiru Shen
Ritheesh Shetty
Daniel Shifrin
Ruby Bolaria Shifrin
Dane Shikman
Carter Shoop
Alex Shoor
Dena Shupe
Justin Shupp
Donald Sibbett
Giulia Siccardo
Kristen Sidell
Henry Siegel
Zoe Siegel
Patrick Siegman
William Siembieda
Blake Silkwood
Aileene Simbulan
Kyle Simerly
Chris Simi
Larry Simi & Janet Rogers
Eric Simundza
Ashutosh Singhal
Carolyn Sisto
Justin Skoda
Sandra Slater
Tom Slezak
Bill Smith
Caleb Smith
Garrett Smith
Maggie Smith
Rae Smith
Michael Smithwick
Connie Smyser
David Snyder
Ramona Snyder
Jennifer Sobol
Patricia Solis
Steven Solomon
Joe Sordi
Steven Sosnowski
Bill Souders
Nicole Soultanov
Bryant Sparkman
Anne Spevack
Steven Spickard
Teresa Sprague
Gail Staba
Kate Stacy
Brian Stanke
Jon Stansbury
Jodi Starbird
John Stark
Kate Steel
Karen Steen & Devan Reiff
John Steere
Candice Stein
Elliot Stein
Michael Stein
Eric Steiner
Kevin & Alice Steiner
Summer Stephens
Jared Stern
Jonathan Stern
David Sternberg
Paul & Heather Sterner
Brett Stewart
Marc Steyer
Lee Stickles
Suzanne St. John-Crane
Evelyne St-Louis
Brian Stokle
Kenny Stone
Alex Storer
Charles Stott
Ken Stram
Brian Stryzek
Edward Suharski
Silvia Sulis
Edward Sullivan
Gavin Sullivan
Mimi Sullivan
Saravana Suthanthira
Kathy Sutherland
Shelly Sutherland
Joshua Switzky
John Sydnor
Matthew Taecker
Asumu Takikawa
Mona Tamari
Andrew Tang
Katy Tang
Peter Tannen & David Strachan
Rachael Tanner
Robert Tarasovich
Aaron Tartakovsky
Dan Tasse
Diana Taylor
Susan Taylor
Yann Taylor
Egon Terplan
Jack Tesar
Colin Teubner
Nathan Theobald
Kathy Thibodeaux
Danielle Thoe
Arnie Thompson
John Thompson
Mike Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Randy Thueme
Matthew Ticknor
Gerry Tierney
John Tillotson
Sean Timmons
Julien Tinnes
James Titus
Sean Toomey
Lola Torney
Ramiro Torres
Russell Torres
Mark Trainer
Tam Tran
Yvan Tran
Paul Travis
Kate Traynor
Heidi Tremayne
Shawn Troedson
Camille Tsao
Kari Tsubota
Randy Tsuda
Stephen Tu
Lauren Tulp
Elizabeth Tyler
Elaine Uang
John Updike
Paul Utrecht
Sarah Vaccaro
Jerry Vail
Eric Valchuis
Christopher Valentino
Jayson VanBeusichem
Robert Vance
John Van Horne
Jennifer Van Stelle
Atisha Varshney
Eric Vaughan
Prashant Velagaleti
Sandra Venning
Joel Ventresca
Rochelle Ventura
Lauren Viehbacher
Davide Vieira
Sean Vienna
Rene Vignos
Mona Villapiano
Myrna Ortiz Villar
Matthew Villeneuve
Jorge Vittes
Noel Vivar
Robert Vivat
Julie Vogel
Fred von Lohmann
David Vossbrink
Kara Vuicich
Tim Wagner
Nicole Wagy
Tim Walch
Catherine Walker
Tom Walker
Liesel Wallace
Jean Walsh
Robert Walsh
Erica Waltemade
Winifred Walters
Emily Wang
Kristy Wang & Nik Kaestner
Melinda Wang
Robin Wang
Jennifer Warburg
Elaine Warren
Richard Warren
Seth Warren
Stanley Watson
Bert Weaver
Monique Webster
Donald Weden
Misha Weidman
Alex Weinberg
Jonathan Weiner
Emily Weinstein
Meghan Weir
Karen Weiss
Dana Weissman
Jeffrey Weitzel
Warren Wells
Paul Wermer
Nancy Whelan
Michael & Julie Whitcomb
Jeffrey White
Ron Whitmore
Greg Wiberg
Sandy Wieder
Steven Wiesenthal
Sam Wiggin
Anne Wilke
Tom Willging
Laura Williams
Matthew Williams
Stacy Williams
Ciaran Wills
Lauren Wilson
Peter Winch
Jordon Wing
Katherine Winkelman
Tim Wirth
Susie Wise
Zachary Witte
Suzanne Wolf
Andrew Wolfram
Celeste Wolter-Sempere
Alex Wong
Brian Wong
Cynthia Wong
Geri Wong
Harry Wong
Howard Wong
Kyle Wong
Jeffrey Wood
Robert Wood
Lorraine Woodruff-Long
Drew Woodward
Allison Woodworth
Jean Wright
Matt Wright
Anthony Wu
Lala Wu
Wenhao Wu
Kiyomi Yamamoto
Wilson Yan
Huaiche Yang
Jackie Yang
Jason Yelvington
Lucille Ynosencio
Jonathan Yolles
Denise Youmans
Jeffry Young
Mark Young
Matthew Young
Jim Zack
Alexander Zaman
Elias Zamaria
David Zandman
Angela Zhang
Louis Zhang
David Zhou
Jo Zientek
Eli Zigas & Savanna Ferguson
Jess Zimbabwe
Sam Zimbabwe
Lucy Almers & Sean Rhea
Terri Avila
Robert Aydlett
Lori Bamberger
Kenneth & Gail Berry
Vanessa Bilanceri & Jeremy Goldberg
Theodore Blackburn
Didi & Dix Boring
Ninive Calegari
Jim Chappell
Carmela Clendening
Nancy Clothier
Olivia Craig
Justin Crum
Zachary Culp
Amy Davidson
Mallory DeBartolo
Brittany Dhawan
Elena DiMuzio
Elizabeth Dokko
Robin Doran
Blake Durtsche
Mary Beth Frederick
Anita Friedman & Igor Tartakovsky
Robert Friedman
Mary Ganz
Hartmut Gerdes
Kyle Gong & Lillian Chen
Clifford Ham
Lauren Hart
Edgar Higgins
Brett Jackson
Amandeep Jawa
Paula Jesson
Christine Johnson
Marta Johnson
Joelle Khouri
Joann Kuhl
Sylvia Kwan
MaryKatherine Lanzillotta
Robert Lawrence
Mark Lee
Drew Lehman
Carol & Barry Livingston
Ellen C. Nicholson
Amar Pai
Alexis & Laurence Pelosi
Zeljko Popovic
Jeral Poskey
Dan Quigley
Roderick Roche
Jessica Romm
Cary Rosko
Temple & Barney Schauble
Leslie Selcow
Joseph Shear
James Shearer
Liz Simons
Mira & Ralph Sinick
Lisbet & Stuart Sunshine
Roselyne C. Swig
Paulett Taggart
Tony Varnhagen
Darrin Ward
Monty Worth
Elias Zamaria
In-Kind Donors
Alaska Airlines
ARC Document Solutions
Emerald Fund
FIRST 5 Santa Clara County
San Francisco Business Times
San Francisco Giants
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Santa Clara County Social Services Agency
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley Business Journal
Strategic Economics
We apologize for any omissions or inaccuracies in this listing and will publish any corrections at www.spur.org. This list represents gifts made in 2020.
Board of Directors
Executive Board
Tomiquia Moss
Executive Vice Chair
Carmen Chu
Jean Fraser
Bob Gamble
Jaye Bailey
Michael Bangs
Dahlia Chazan
Thang Do
Donald Falk
David Friedman
Candice Gonzalez
Ariane Hogan
Hao Ko
Alexis M. Pelosi
Manan Shah
Joaquín Torres
Robert A. Wilkins
San Francisco
Ariane Hogan
Vice Chair
Hao Ko
Nadia Anderson
Peter Back
David Baker
Andy Barnes
Tiffany Bohee
Christopher Brown
Maria Castillo
Tilly Chang
Carmen Chu
Kim-Mai Cutler
Sheryl Davis
Dennis Phillips"
Tamsen Drew
Stephen Engblom
Oz Erickson
Don Falk
Tyra Fennell
Diane Filippi
Jean Fraser
David Friedman
Robert Gamble
Vincent Hoenigman
Aaron Johnson
Greg Johnson
Traci Lee
Ellen Lou
Roscoe Mapps
George Miller
Gregg Miller
Terezia Nemeth
Shannon Peloquin
Rebecca Prozan
Richard Raya
Dan Safier
Joe Speicher
Jack Sylvan
Katy Tang
Eric Tao
Jeffrey Till
Joaquin Torres
Shin-Pei Tsay
Cynthia Wong
Paul Woolford
San José
Thang Do
Vice Chair
Candice Gonzalez
Jaye Bailey
Michael Bangs
Jill Bourne
Daniel Cedeño
Irene Chavez
Dr. Byron D. Clift Breland
Gary Dillabough
Shelley Doran
Scott Ekman
Josué García
Leyla Hedayat
Camille Llanes-Fontanilla
Richard Lonergan
Chris Neale
David Nieh
Jonathan Noble
Kristina Raspe
Erin Salazar
Jasneet Sharma
Tim Steele
Leah Toeniskoetter
Kate White
Dahlia Chazan
Vice Chair
Robert A. Wilkins
Ahmed Ali Bob
Lindsay Baker
Deborah Boyer
Anagha Dandekar Clifford
Lynette Dias
Elisse Douglass
Bryant Francis
Jane Garcia
Chris Iglesias
Morten Jensen
Wayne Jordan
Robert Joseph
Lewis Knight
Ken Lowney
Tomiquia Moss
Alexis Pelosi
Manan Shah
Joshua Simon
Riaz Taplin
Elñora Webb
Editorial Content
Alicia John-Baptiste
Karen Steen
Drew Woodward
Project Management
and Art Direction
Lauren Foster
Shawn Hazen
Neelu Bhuman, Andrew Nicholson
Content Specialist
Henrieta Muradzikwa
Principle Photography
Sergio Ruiz
Additional Photography
and Illustration
Ishita Jain, Sheila Fitzgerald, Sundry Photography, Kharaim Pavlo, Nicole Smiley, Bruce Damonte courtesy of David Baker Architects