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SPUR Publications

SPUR articles, research, policy recommendations, and our magazine, The Urbanist

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Update: How Did San Francisco Decide to Spend Its Soda Tax Revenue?

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San Francisco began collecting a soda tax in 2018. While the tax measure didn't allocate revenue to a specific purpose, it did create a process for directing funds to the cause of better public health outcomes. SPUR took a close look at the process and how well it did at achieving the intended aims of the original measure.

Learning to Manage California’s Fire Problem

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Climate change is here today, and after the devastating fires of 2017 and 2018, Californians know it. In 2019, SPUR will be working on a new policy report on the multiple hazards wrought by climate change, including fires and flooding. We now know that land use, planning, building code, forest management and other recommendations may be needed to improve fire resiliency across the Bay Area.

What Will Diridon Station’s Legacy Be?

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Last month, SPUR convened national and international experts in San Jose to share best practices for planning and building world-class transit stations and active neighborhoods around stations. City officials, transit agencies and civic groups came together to develop the vision for the future Diridon Station and to consider the legacy that today's decisions will create for the project.

Why San Francisco Should Stop Requiring Parking in New Housing

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Housing developers in San Francisco are currently required to provide a minimum amount of parking in new buildings. What if we eliminated those requirements? Then we’d see both lowered housing prices and more efficient use of urban land. Requiring parking brings too many new cars into the city, congesting streets, taking up space needed for more housing and harming the environment.

Six Principles for Pricing Driving to Reduce Congestion, Pollution and Crashes

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Cities and states are proposing policies that would discourage driving by charging for some the costs it imposes on others — namely congestion, pollution, heart and respiratory disease, greenhouse gases and deaths from collisions. It won’t be easy to start pricing something that’s been free for so long. To get the benefits without a backlash, SPUR offers six principles for fair and effective transportation pricing.

SPUR Community Shares Its Vision for the Bay Area in 2070

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Earlier this year, SPUR began planning its first ever regional strategy for the Bay Area, an aspirational vision of what the region could be like in the year 2070 and a roadmap for getting there. Here’s what participants in three community workshops shared about their values and vision for the region for the next half century.

2018 Silver SPUR Awards: How Anita Friedman Helps Children, the Elderly and Everyone in Between

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2018 Silver SPUR Honoree Dr. Anita Friedman’s record of public service ranges from leading the Bay Area’s Jewish Family and Children’s Services to serving as policy consultant to the State of Israel Ministry of Social Affairs. Her expertise includes social policy and programming for diverse populations; financing of health and human services; developing innovative business and social enterprise models; and Holocaust and genocide education.

2018 Silver SPUR Awards: How Greg Moore Leads One of the Country's Most Popular National Parks

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Under 2018 Silver SPUR Honoree Greg Moore’s leadership, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy has become one of the most successful nonprofits supporting the national park system, providing more than $500 million to park projects and programs since 1981 as well as receiving numerous national awards for excellence in interpretation, conservation and park improvement.

2018 Silver SPUR Awards: How Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins Creates a More Just Criminal Justice System

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2018 Silver SPUR Honoree Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins is a social justice advocate, businesswoman and community organizer dedicated to making measurable change. She has lead a number of labor and social justice organizations, such as the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, Working Partnerships USA, Green For All and is a Co-founder of Promise, a de-carceration startup that works with government agencies to keep people out of jail.

How Has San Francisco Run Out of Money for Affordable Housing?

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San Francisco is running out of funds to build affordable housing, and the city will need to make changes quickly to fix the problem. How did this happen and what can be done? A combination of rising construction costs and new requirements is slowing down new development and curtailing incoming fees. SPUR has five suggestions for how to address the problem before it gets worse.

Lessons for Guadalupe River Park: Denver Plans for Economic Growth Along the South Platte River

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Major plans for new jobs, housing, BART and high-speed rail connections will reshape San Jose’s urban core. Amid this planned growth, the city has an opportunity to capitalize on one of its most treasured resources, the Guadalupe River Park. Denver's River Mile plan — a proposal to transform a downtown riverfront — offers lessons for turning an underused natural resource into an urban attraction.

Can the Reluctant Metropolis Embrace Enthusiasm for the Future?

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In his final public address, outgoing SPUR President and CEO Gabriel Metcalf shared his reflections on where the Bay Area has been and where it's going. To end our housing crisis and transportation woes, he argued, our reluctant metropolis must embrace its role as a world city and economic center.

Working Together to Help Solve Our Region's Problems

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Earlier this year, SPUR provided comments to improve a proposed vacant parcel tax measure (now Measure W) co-sponsored by Oakland City Councilmember At-Large Rebecca Kaplan. We greatly appreciate the time Councilmember Kaplan spent with us and the changes she made to the measure at our suggestion. The following letter from Councilmember Kaplan is a companion piece to the Oakland section of the SPUR Voter Guide.

Getting Local Land Use Approvals Right

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What can California and its cities do to bring down the soaring costs of housing? Land entitlement is one process that could be reformed to speed up the construction of new housing and reduce costs. At a recent SPUR forum, researchers and planners discussed how state and city reforms might (or might not) streamline the approval processes.

What Does Access Really Mean?

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What do we mean when we say a home, a street or a city is “accessible”? It’s more than a measure of the physical characteristics of the built environment, and it impacts a person’s overall sense of freedom and representation. At a recent SPUR forum, panelists discussed what architects, designers, planners and citizens can do to increase access in our cities.

Advancing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in San Jose

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San Jose leads the nation in electric vehicle purchases. In the quickly evolving landscape of electric vehicle ownership, charging technology and future demand, what is the right level of charging service to provide in commercial buildings and multifamily housing? To discuss this challenge, and the market opportunity, SPUR recently brought together real estate developers with experts from PG&E, the City of San Jose and Tesla.

How Can We Create the Best User Experience at Diridon Station?

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Creating a great user experience at the redeveloped Diridon Station will be critical to whether people embrace the station and use transit. If Diridon’s transit services are going to compete with the automobile — or the next big transportation technology — the partners developing the station will need to focus on the user as the primary driver in their planning efforts .