Imagine a future in which today’s ideas and policy proposals are put into place … and they work.

What would it take to house every family?

To provide safe and swift travel by train,
bus, bike, and foot?

To design welcoming communities that meet residents’ daily needs?

To reframe downtowns as places to live and play?

To ensure that everyone can afford healthy food and attain economic security?

To support people and ecosystems to thrive?
The challenges the Bay Area faces today
are the result of choices we made in the past:
the laws, policies, and social agreements that
hold the status quo in place.

The good news is, we can create a different future by making different choices.
SPUR works to change outcomes by changing policies.

Three years ago, our foundational Regional Strategy asked, “How can the Bay Area become a place where all people thrive?”
We proposed steps that local, regional, and state governments can take to create an equitable, sustainable, and prosperous region.
This year, SPUR’s work moved these visionary proposals forward.

Thanks to our research and advocacy, housing is becoming easier to permit and build, residents are phasing out their use of fossil fuels, and the vision to convert offices into homes is moving closer to reality.
The solutions to the Bay Area’s challenges are at hand.

Together, we can put them into place.
This Year's Big Wins

Big Wins in 2023

This year SPUR made steady progress on our Regional Strategy priorities, taking steps that, over time, will make housing faster to build and help the region phase out fossil fuels. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also addressed new challenges, such as securing funds to keep transit operating and reimagining urban downtowns.




Eddy and Taylor, San Francisco

California Makes Significant Progress on Affordable Housing

Governor Newsom signed five SPUR-sponsored bills that will increase the production of housing for low- and moderate-income residents. Two of particular note: Assembly Bill 1633 (Ting) prevents the misuse of environmental review processes to stop or delay new housing and is considered one of the year’s most impactful pieces of legislation. Assembly Bill 1287 (Alvarez), which provides a “super density” bonus for projects that include housing for very low-income and moderate-income households, is already having an impact on housing production: At least five proposed projects in San Francisco have already submitted project applications using the new law.



Funeral for Bay Area Public Transit

Helping Bay Area Transit Survive — and Thrive

Changes in travel patterns since the pandemic have put large transit operators across the state at risk of fiscal crisis. In response, SPUR initiated and co-led the Survive and Thrive Coalition, which secured a one-time infusion of $5.1 billion from the state budget, $400 million of which went to support Bay Area transit. This helped avert major service cuts, which would have disproportionately burdened low-income households. But this solution is not permanent. SPUR has been appointed to the first-ever statewide Transit Transformation Task Force and continues to advocate for more transit funding from the state and region, as well as for more predictable sources of funding.


Air District ruling people celebrating

Bay Area Approves First U.S. Standard to Phase Out Sale of Gas Appliances

Thanks to advocacy by SPUR and our partners in the Bay Area Clean Air coalition, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District approved a first-in-the-nation standard for phasing out dirty gas appliances. Starting later this decade, fossil fuel furnaces and water heaters in the Bay Area will be replaced with clean electric alternatives such as heat pumps when they reach the end of their lifespans. The new standard tackles pollution from gas water heaters and furnaces, which are responsible for more nitrogen oxide pollution than all of the region’s passenger vehicles combined.



100 Van Ness, San Francisco

San Francisco Removes Regulatory and Financial Barriers to Office-to-Residential Conversion Projects

As a result of SPUR’s research and advocacy to introduce more housing and revitalize downtown San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors simplified the approval process for office-to-residential conversion projects. SPUR’s work also prompted Mayor Breed to place Proposition C on the March 2024 ballot to reduce taxes on office-to-residential conversions and make it easier to finance these projects.



Healthy Food Incentive Sign and Produce in Grocery Store

A Leap Forward for Healthy Food Incentive Programs

California took a big step forward in scaling up healthy food incentive programs: CalFresh participants can now get bonus dollars from their healthy food purchases electronically credited to their benefits card. The instant rebates are provided to participants in the CalFresh food assistance benefits program, who earn matching dollars when they buy fresh fruits and vegetables. The new program replaces paper coupons and is expected to dramatically increase participation, a leap made possible by legislation SPUR co-sponsored and technology upgrades SPUR helped implement with grocery store partners.



Housing Construction at 730 Stanyan, San Francisco

San Francisco (Finally) Makes It Easier to Build New Housing

For years, San Francisco’s restrictive project-approval process has made it hard to build new housing, contributing to the city’s current affordability crisis. In 2023, a state mandate requiring San Francisco to build 82,000 new homes within eight years prompted the city to adopt a housing plan that committed to reforming policies and practices to speed up housing production. SPUR’s advocacy helped push forward a suite of planning code changes to make good on the city’s commitment, which includes allowing senior housing and homeless shelters in all of the city’s neighborhoods, eliminating extraneous public hearings for most types of housing, and cutting city fees on affordable housing units.




SPUR publications in 2023 explored what the Bay Area’s housing costs mean for racial inequality, whether it’s financially viable to convert office buildings to housing, how to implement changes that will make bus transit faster and more reliable, and where community planning policies can support neighborhoods and small businesses.




For sale sign outside art deco apartment building

What the Housing Crisis Means for Middle-Income Households and Racial Inequality

The Bay Area housing market has been shaped by scarcity and widening economic and racial inequality. SPUR released research on how the definition of “middle income” has changed, how housing costs have affected who can afford to live here — and what is happening to those who can’t. We identified four steps policymakers could take to support both middle-income and low-income households and do a better job producing middle-income housing.


Mission Bay, San Francisco skyline

Exploring the Viability of Office-to-Residential Conversions in Downtown San Francisco

Converting empty offices into apartments could both reanimate downtown San Francisco and provide housing for more people in an area rich in transit, jobs, culture, recreation, and entertainment. In a first-of-its-kind study, SPUR and ULI San Francisco (in partnership with Gensler, HR&A Advisors, Sylvan Development Group, and the Emerald Fund) explored the physical and financial feasibility of converting office buildings to housing. SPUR and ULI’s report laid out six policy imperatives for realizing office-to-housing conversions on a large scale.

Al fresco dining, Post Street, San Jose

Leveraging Outdoor Dining to Enliven San José Neighborhoods

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of San José’s outdoor dining initiative extended a critical lifeline to businesses and their patrons. The program continues to be a popular way to advance economic recovery and enliven streets. SPUR recommended four strategies for improving upon the Al Fresco Initiative and expanding it to neighborhoods citywide.


Bus in bus lane, Broadway, Oakland

Strategies to Accelerate Transit and Gain Riders

The Bay Area’s transit system provides equitable access to opportunity for all and plays a critical role in curbing California’s greenhouse gas emissions. Both of those goals depend on growing transit ridership significantly — and quickly. The best way to do that is with buses. A new SPUR report recommended strategies that state agencies, transit agencies, and local governments could employ to give transit vehicles priority over cars on Bay Area roads and state highways, creating the speed and reliability improvements needed to get more people out of cars and onto buses. This work is informing SPUR-sponsored state legislation and the development of a regional transit priority policy.


Colorful illustration of neighborhood by Sam Rodriguez

Equitable Growth and Complete Communities in San José and Beyond

The concept of the “15-minute neighborhood,” where residents can access essential, everyday services just a short walk or bike ride from home, has gained currency in recent years. SPUR published a brief looking at how San José could use the 15-minute framework to implement its plan to grow by building dense, mixed-use “urban villages.” We recommended six strategies to enable the creation of these more complete, connected, and equitable communities.



In our advocacy role, SPUR was appointed to a statewide transit task force, built coalitions for earthquake and groundwater-rise resilience, helped to end biased traffic stops in San Francisco, and more. We also saw longtime efforts bear fruit with approvals for a network management structure for regional transit, climate adaptation plans at Ocean Beach, and transit priority on Geary Boulevard.





People with bicycles at Caltrain Station, San Francisco

Transforming California Transit for Today’s Needs

Governor Newsom and the California Legislature called for the creation of a statewide Transit Transformation Task Force to recommend policies for increasing transit ridership, improving the transit experience, and addressing long-term operational needs. SPUR was appointed to serve on both the 25-member task force and the supporting technical working group. The state’s largest foray into transit policy in decades comes at a pivotal time for systems that are still struggling to stabilize their financial footing post-pandemic. It will also be critical to achieving the significant reductions in driving needed for California to meet its ambitious climate commitments.


Ocean beach

Ocean Beach Climate Plan Takes Big Steps Forward

The Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project took major steps toward full implementation with the San Francisco Planning Commission's certification of the environmental review, approval of the project’s alignment with the city’s General Plan, and approvals by the Department of Recreation and Parks and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The project implements many components of SPUR’s Ocean Beach Master Plan, which envisions the transformation of the shoreline into a resilient and protected open space.


Render of Geary Boulevard bus project

Transit Priority Takes a Win on Geary Boulevard

Getting buses out of traffic is critical to meeting equity and environmental goals, growing ridership, and keeping transit on a financially firm footing. After 20 years of advocacy by SPUR and others, San Francisco finally approved bus priority improvements for the Richmond District segment of Geary Boulevard. It couldn’t have happened without Senate Bill 922 (Wiener), which SPUR co-sponsored. The bill exempts sustainable transit projects from the California Environmental Quality Act, which has been used to delay and litigate projects such as bus priority, sometimes for decades.



People at turnstile Montgomery Station, San Francisco

Coordinating Regional Transit as a Seamless Network

SPUR has long advocated for regional transit governance and improved coordination among transit operators to deliver better outcomes for customers. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Bay Area transit operators formalized a new Regional Network Management structure that will be critical to helping transit recover and grow ridership and to ensuring that customers have a seamless experience as they travel across the region.

Crane and the Civic Center, San Francisco

San Francisco Reduces Fees to Speed Up New Housing

In line with SPUR recommendations, San Francisco adopted new legislation to reduce the cost of housing development in order to accelerate construction. The Housing Stimulus and Fee Reform Plan lowers the amount of affordable housing that market-rate projects must build under the city’s inclusionary housing policy and reduces development impact fees. The cost reductions could accelerate the construction of 8,000 approved but unbuilt units, including 2,500 units downtown. Another 10,000 units will be able to move quickly into construction once approved. Concurrently, SPUR and partners advocated for putting a new affordable housing bond measure on the ballot ahead of schedule to create more funding to build low-income housing. Proposition A passed in March 2024.


EV charger in car

Shortening Timelines to Connect Electrified Homes and EV Chargers

SPUR supported successful Senate Bill 410 (Becker), which addresses the very long timelines for upgrading electrical connections when electrifying buildings and when connecting new housing and EV charging to the power grid. The new law directs the California Public Utilities Commission to set reasonable average and maximum target timelines for these projects by September 2024. If the commission adopts ambitious timelines, it could reduce one of the greatest barriers to decarbonizing buildings: the long delays customers often experience when they need more electricity for their homes.



Apartment block Rand and Glen View, Oakland

Building a Coalition for Earthquake Resilience Advocacy

SPUR convened a coalition of the Structural Engineers Association of California, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the U.S. Resiliency Council, and local government leaders to collaborate on advocacy efforts and establish a system for rapid response to state seismic legislation. The coalition partnered with Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez to preserve $250 million in state funding for the Multifamily Seismic Retrofit Program. Our efforts succeeded in securing $15 million for the program in the 2023–24 state budget. Unfortunately, in January 2024, Governor Newsom cut the funding due to the state’s budget deficit. Despite this setback, the seismic coalition is poised to negotiate and advance earthquake resilience priorities.


EPA groundwater map

Taking Action on Groundwater Rise

Increasing rates of sea level rise have surfaced a lesser-known climate risk for Bayshore cities: shallow groundwater rise. Rising salt water pushes groundwater up through the soil, increasing flood risk and earthquake-liquefaction potential, degrading underground infrastructure, and surfacing contaminants left by industry. In partnership with community-based organization Nuestra Casa, SPUR helped launch the Groundwater Rise Coalition to coordinate advocacy and education in low-income and low-lying neighborhoods of San Mateo County. SPUR is a co-coordinator, researcher, and advisor on the coalition’s efforts.


Illustration of traffic stop with officer and car

Putting an End to Biased Traffic Stops in San Francisco

Black and Latinx drivers in San Francisco are pulled over more than other drivers for offenses so minor that citations are often not issued. When these “pretext” stops result in tickets, the fines can be punitive. Using data-driven decision-making supported by SPUR’s research, the San Francisco Police Commission deprioritized eight types of pretext stops that had no effect on road safety and little effect on public safety. SPUR worked in coalition with impacted people and dozens of other organizations to help end this unjust practice.


Mangoes up close

California Extends Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Program

The California Legislature and Governor Newsom reinvested in the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Program, which provides low-income households with up to $60 each month in additional food assistance when they buy fresh fruits and vegetables with their electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards. Funding in the amount of $9.65 million in the 2023–24 state budget ensures that the program won’t die on the vine, a victory given the state’s significant budget deficit.




SPUR’s 2023 convenings brought people together to consider new perspectives on thorny problems and to celebrate civic accomplishments. We were honored to be recognized for our roles in advancing sustainability concepts and in providing civic leadership on housing and transportation challenges.



Silver SPUR Award winners

Silver SPUR Awards Honor Civic Leadership

The 61st annual Silver SPUR Awards recognized four individuals whose achievements exemplify the highest aspirations of the San Francisco Bay Area: Diane Filippi, founder and former director of the SPUR Urban Center; Dr. Tricia Hellman Gibbs, co-founder and attending physician of the San Francisco Free Clinic; groundbreaking television journalist David Louie; and Arabella Martinez, founder and former CEO of the Unity Council.


Keynote speaker and Alicia John-Baptiste, Ideas and Action 2023

Ideas + Action 2023: Housing Beyond “Zero Sum”

SPUR’s annual Ideas + Action symposium explored the topic of housing policy beyond “zero sum” thinking — i.e., the limiting belief that helping some to prosper must come at the expense of others. Keynote speaker Heather McGhee led an investigation into common zero-sum misconceptions, such as “policies that support renters harm homeowners” and “affordable housing leads to declining property values.” Our daylong conversation explored the role that racism plays in these debates and the policies needed to create more affordable and inclusive cities for all.


Alicia John-Baptiste

SPUR’s Alicia John-Baptiste Named to San Francisco Business Times “Power 100”

Alicia John-Baptiste, SPUR’s president and CEO, was named to the San Francisco Business Times’s first-ever Power 100, a list of the most influential people in Bay Area business. The Silicon Valley Business Journal, sister paper to the Times, tackled the South Bay with its own Power 100. The lists also included current SPUR board members Sam Cobbs and Gary Dillabough; former board members Fred Blackwell, Carl Shannon, Garrett Herbert, and Connie Martinez; and 2022 Silver SPUR honorees Jackie Safier and Jane Garcia.


Candlestick Point community garden

SPUR Receives the 2023 LAF Founders’ Award

The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) recognized SPUR with the 2023 LAF Founders’ Award for significant contributions to preserving, improving, or enhancing landscapes over a sustained period of time. LAF highlighted SPUR’s initiatives that “empower communities to test scalable models and policies for sustainable concepts such as expanding the use of public land for urban agriculture and designing for rising sea levels,” noting that SPUR has helped drive legislation and action on climate change and inequity.


Corona Heights houses

Partnering on Equitable Solutions to the Housing Crisis

SPUR collaborated with the Partnership for the Bay’s Future — a partnership of the San Francisco Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LISC Bay Area, and Shift the Bay — to hold two conversations on equitable housing solutions. Our first event examined best practices for engaging communities to craft housing policies. The second conversation explored innovative approaches to mitigating the housing crisis by leveraging “little p” policies, i.e., nimble and often localized actions that tend to be easier to implement than traditional governmental “Big P” policy.



President’s Letter

President’s Letter

SPUR’s President, Alicia John-Baptiste

Creating the Capacity for Change


SPUR holds a vision that the Bay Area can become a place where all people thrive. The disruptions of the past few years have challenged us to think differently about how we achieve this goal. When the way we live has changed so dramatically, we have to ask ourselves: Given where things stand now, what would allow people to thrive?


One benefit SPUR brings in a time of disruption is that our long-term view is clear. We know the future we want to build. We believe that for people to thrive, we need abundant homes, easy and sustainable mobility, access to open space, vibrant downtowns, and climate-resilient communities.


But while these are necessary ingredients, they do not guarantee vitality on their own. Because thriving is in fact a dynamic state. To sustain wellbeing, our communities need the capacity to evolve in positive ways as our world continues to change.


SPUR helps to create that capacity for the Bay Area. It’s in our organizational DNA to hold space for new ways of thinking and to trust that a better future is possible. SPUR held a vision to remove freeways and repair neighborhoods after the Loma Prieta Earthquake, to make accessory dwelling units legal to build, and to connect the region through a fully electrified Caltrain service, which will launch later this year. Today we are reimagining downtowns, inventing a financially sound future for transit, and enabling homes for all in high-resource neighborhoods as we continue to hold the vision of an equitable, sustainable, and prosperous region where all people thrive.


Through your support of SPUR, you are critical to building the capacity the Bay Area needs. Thank you for helping us to hold the vision of a better future.


Alicia's signature


Alicia John-Baptiste

President and CEO






Fiscal Year


Statement of Activities and Financial Position
As of March 31, 2024

Note: updated July 11, 2024. Financial statements are unaudited.

Revenue $8,097,610
Membership $4,893,848 60%
Grants $1,788,172 22%
Special Events $865,539 11%
Earned Income $226,288 3%

Investment Income Net

$323,764 4%
Expenses $8,868,735
Policy, Programs
and Publications
$6,193,598 70%
Development $1,395,484 16%
Admin $1,279,653 14%
Net Income $(771,124)
Net Assets $12,911,013
Assets $15,516,690
Liabilities $2,605,677
Thank You

Thank you for making this work possible

SPUR Annual Contributors

SPUR gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions made by the following organizations and individuals.



Foundations & Grant Support

Institutional donors supporting SPUR through grants.

11th Hour Project


California Department of Social Services

California Health Care Foundation

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)

Climate Imperative


The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Dylan Todd Simonds Foundation

FIRST 5 Santa Clara County

Gaia Fund

Hellman Foundation Fund

Jacobs Family Foundation

The John and Marcia Goldman Foundation

JPMorgan Chase

Knight Foundation

Koret Foundation

The Laney and Pasha Thornton Foundation

Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund

Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Foundation

Marin Community Foundation

San Francisco Foundation

Santa Clara County Public Health Department

Seamless Bay Area

Seed Fund

Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF)

Stupski Foundation

Summit Foundation

Sunlight Giving Foundation

Tipping Point Community

Toeniskoetter Family Foundation

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Yerba Buena Community Benefit District (YBCBD)


Legacy Society

Individuals who have made or pledged a life estate gift to SPUR.


Michael Alexander & Dianna Waggoner

Andy & Sara Barnes

Annette L. Billingsley

Cece Blase

Jim Chappell

Linda Day

Diane Filippi

Linda Jo Fitz

Jean S. Fraser

David A. Friedman

Marsha Gale

Bryan E. Grunwald

Vincent & Amanda Hoenigman

James Jeong

Toby & Jerry* Levine

Richard & Marilyn Lonergan

Terry Micheau

Robert Steinberg

Stephen & Sarah Taber

Lydia Tan

Peter Tannen & David Strachan

Brooks Walker III

President’s Circle

Abundant San Francisco

David Coulter & Susan Weeks

Linda Jo Fitz

David Friedman & Paulette Meyer

Antje Kann & David Maltz

Chris Larsen

George Miller & Janet McKinley

Stephen Silberstein

Dylan Todd Simonds

Roselyne Swig


Adam Abrons

David Baker & Yosh Asato

Alan Billingsley & John Podolsky

Jim Chappell

Madeline Chun & John Farnkopf

Leah Culver

Diane Filippi & Ephraim Hirsch

Robert Friedman

Douglas Koshland & Mary Porter

Terry Micheau & Rob Evans

Bill & Alice Russell-Shapiro

Dan & Jackie Safier

Temple & Barney Schauble

Gene & Abby Schnair

Carl & Diane Shannon

Gussie Stewart

Lydia Tan

Michael Teitz & Mary Comerio

Mrs. Alfred Wilsey

Urban Leaders

Michael Alexander & Dianna Waggoner

Eddy Ancinas

Lindsay Baker

Richard Barna

Drew Behnke

Annette Billingsley & Terry Bergmann

Cece Blase

Aaron Bloom

Ben & Jocelyn Blumenrose

Matt Bornski

Deborah Boyer

Eliza Brown & Hal Candee

Michaela Cassidy

Daniel Chatman

Dahlia Chazan

Claudine Cheng

Anagha Dandekar Clifford

Adele Corvin

Mary Davidge

Oscar de La Torre

Tamsen Drew

Arthur Evans

Donald Falk

Jonathan Feldman & Lisa Lougee

Jim & Kenna Fenton

Bonnie Fisher & Boris Dramov

Leslie Fisk

Paul Fitzgerald

David & Vicki Fleishhacker

Meryl Meyer Friedman

Jean Fraser & Geoffrey Gordon-Creed

Marsha Gale

Ed Harrington

Jane Hartley

Nina Hatvany

Frances Hellman

Sabrina & Mick Hellman

Robert Holgate

Dennis Hopkins

Aaron Johnson

Corey Johnson & Lisa Ruff

Dawn Kamalanathan

Ron & Barbara Kaufman

Niall Kennedy

Donald Klingbeil

Lewis Knight

James & Cathy Koshland

Michael Kossman

David Kremer

Barbara Lawrence

Rob Lawrence

William Leddy

Frankie & Frances Lee

Stephen Levy

Mark Liang

Ellen Lou

Mary Lovejoy

Erik Malmstrom

Jamaica Maxwell

Sean McBride & Steve Cary

Jacinta McCann & Joe Brown

Paul McCauley & Joan Kugler

Marlo McGriff

Gregg Miller

Jennifer Moore

Clare Murphy

Sean Murphy

Jeanne Myerson & John Cate

Katharine Norwood

Heather & Robin Olinto

Keith Orlesky

John Parman & Kathryn Snowden

Shannon Peloquin

Regina Phelps

Philip Pielet

Mark & Tia Pierce

Kristina & Steven Raspe

Marci Riseman & Evan Sagerman

Christopher Roach

David Sacarelos

Paul Sack

John Sanger

Amanda Schapel

Mark Schlesinger & Christine Russell

Margaret Sheehan & Bruce Colman

Joshua Simon

Joseph Speicher & Brynn Rubinstein

Michael Spiegelman

Daniel Spoonhower

Kate Stacy

Charlie Stigler

Erik Strahm

Luke & Elizabeth Swartz

Jack & Deb Sylvan

Chek Fong Tang

Travis Thompson

Laney & Pasha Thornton

Leah Toeniskoetter

Sally Towse

Shin-pei Tsay

Molly Turner

Varnhagen Family Trust

Elñora Webb

Fran Weld & Matthew Materkowski

Kate White

Robert Wilkins

Marcel Wilson

Cynthia Wong


Teresa Alvarado

Ross Boucher

Jay Bradshaw

Don Cecil

Elizabeth Colton

Manoj Dayaram

Richard DeLeon

Shannon Dodge

Martha Ehrenfeld

Patrick & Melissa Feder

Richard Fleischman

Regina & Dan Foldes

Dr. Patricia Gibbs

Dehan Glanz

John Grcina

Jennifer Gridley

Rosalynn Hughey

Laurie Johnson

David & Carol Kroot

Noah Lazarus

Chandler Lee & Carolyn Stone

Matthew Levine

Derek Lindner

Charles Long

John Mackenzie

Beckett Madden-Woods

Paul Maltzer

Monica & John Marcone

John Marx

Eric McKean

Beverly Mills

Matthew Myers

Javier Ortiz

James Paxson

Laurie Poston & Brian Ferrall

Jay Powell

Kirby Sack

Steven Schlansker

Preeyanka Shah & Sumeet Ajmani

Rich Shrieve

Dan Slaughter

Steven Vettel

Richard Wallace

Maggi Willard

Elizabeth Yost


Bruce Agid

Osvaldo Ancinas

Mary Ann Aronson

Andrea Baker

Collin Barnwell

Alec Bash

Simon Bertrang

Natalie Bonnewit

Ashley Boren

Justin Brickell

Jonathan Bruck

John Buehrens

Lian Chang

Sarita Chawla

Eunice Childs

Lillie Chilen

Alexander Clemens

Stuart Cohen

Mitchell Conner

Kyle Corio

Charmaine Curtis

Hank Dempsey

Annette Dosier

Philip Erickson

Pauline Eveillard

William Fleishhacker

Tom Ford

Paul Fritz

Maureen Futtner

Noah Gaspar

Martin Gellen

Hartmut Gerdes

Hillary Gitelman and Susan McCue

Jeffrey Glickman

Ron Golem

Derek Gordon

Sadie Graham

Claude Gruen

Clifford Ham

Christopher Hawkins

Craig Heckman

Gary Hedden

Chris Heisterkamp

Gregory Hensley

James Hill

Angel Islas

Michael & Megan Janis

Mark Jensen

James Jeong

Dorka Keehn

Kimberly Kelly

Breeze & Steve Kinsey

Dr. Janice Kirsch

Natalie Kitchen

Karen Knowles-Pearce & Norman Pearce

Eliza Koshland

Theodore Kramer

Matthew Kretzer

Ryan Larrabure

Jacopo & Robyn Lenzi

Fred Levinson

Brian Liles

Bob Linscheid

Daniel Livsey

Tom Lockard

Alex Lofton

Nathan Lozier

John Madden

Jason May

Adam Mayberry

Joseph McCarthy

Mike McCarthy

Paul McCarthy

Edward McFarlan

Elizabeth Meier

Grace-Sonia E. Melanio

Amy Meyer

Chris Mitchell

James Morrison

Lester Olmstead-Rose

Diane Oshima

Leo Panian

Anthony Pantaleoni

Stephanie Pascal

Sophie Pepin

Melissa Perez

Sarah Dennis Phillips

Robert & Patricia Raburn

John Rahaim

Laura Rambin

Byron Rhett

Karen Rhodes

Chris Roberts

Roderick Roche

Sarah Rosston

Robert Saliba

Jonathan Scharfman

Edward Schreiner

Jonathan Schuppert

Peter Scott

Spencer Sechler

Kelly Snider

Sujata Srivastava

Peter Straus

Karl Sveinsson

Paulett Taggart

Jaclyn Tandler

Diana Taylor

Susan Taylor

Elizabeth & Martin Terplan

Philip Tiewater

Daniel Vasini

Michael Veale

Marilyn Waldman

Laura Warner

Saebra Waterstraut

Monica Way

Don Weden

Ron Whitmore

Wendy Will

Barbara Wilson

Katrina Wilson

Paul Workman

Lori Yamauchi

Jessica Zenk & Kevin Armstrong

Affinity Groups

SPUR Urban Infrastructure Council

The SPUR Urban Infrastructure Council (UIC) connects SPUR business members from architecture, engineering, and construction firms with significant infrastructure interests on a monthly basis to discuss large-scale infrastructure projects.


  • Ben Tripousis, HNTB
  • Carsten Voecker, Plant Construction
  • Sarah Young, Gensler


BKF Engineers

Cahill Contractors





Hart Howerton Architects Design

Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co.

HNTB Corporation


JRDV Architects, Inc.

Kohn Pedersen Fox


Pankow Builders Ltd.


Plant Construction Company, L.P.

San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)

Sherwood Design Engineers

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)

Steinberg Hart

Suffolk Construction

SWA Group


The Swig Company

Webcor Builders


SPUR Planning & Architecture Council

The SPUR Planning and Architecture Council (SPAC) is composed of SPUR business members from planning, architecture, and design firms that meet on a quarterly basis for relevant and timely policy conversations.


  • Eri Suzuki, SITELAB urban studio
  • Jeffrey Till, Studio Till

Aedis Architects

CMG Landscape Architecture

David Baker Architects


EHDD Architecture


Handel Architects, LLP

Herman Coliver Locus Architecture

HKIT Architects


JRDV Architects, Inc.

Kohn Pedersen Fox

KTGY Group, Inc.

MBH Architects



OpenScope Studio


Page & Turnbull

Pelli Clarke & Partners




PYATOK Architects

RedRider LLC

RMW Architecture & Interiors

Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey (RHAA Landscape Architecture + Planning)

San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)

SITELAB urban studio

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)

Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)

Stanford University

Steinberg Hart

Studio Current


Studio T-SQ, Inc.

Studio VARA

Suffolk Construction

SWA Group


VIA – a la Eastman Studio

Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT)

Wilson Design Studio (WDSLA)

Woods Bagot Architects

Business Members & Donors




City and County of San Francisco






Jordan Real Estate Investments

Kaiser Permanente

Meta Platforms, Inc.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)

Sand Hill Property Company

The Swig Company

Wells Fargo Commercial Banking


Adobe Systems Incorporated

Alaska Airlines

Baylands Development Inc.

Block, Inc.

Cahill Contractors

Carmel Partners

Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP

The Core Companies



EHDD Architecture

Emerald Fund


Golden State Warriors

Hart Howerton Architects Design

Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co

HNTB Corporation

J. Abrams Law, P.C.

JRDV Architects, Inc.

Kilroy Realty Corporation

Kohn Pedersen Fox


Lighthouse Public Affairs

LinkedIn Corporation

Mercy Housing Inc.



Nor Cal Carpenters Union (NCCU)

Pankow Builders Ltd.


Plant Construction Company, L.P.

Port of Oakland

Port of San Francisco

Presidio Trust



San Francisco Giants

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)

San Jose Water Company

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)

Solomon Cordwell Buenz (SCB)

SWA Group


Tesla Motors Inc.

Tishman Speyer

Uber Technologies, Inc.

University of California San Francisco (UCSF)

Webcor Builders

Wilson Meany L.P.



Aedis Architects

Alameda–Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit)

Allen Matkins LLP

All Home

Associate Capital

BKF Engineers

Brookfield Properties

Burke, Williams and Sorensen, LLP

California High-Speed Rail Authority


Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority

Equity Residential

Hanson Bridgett LLP

Jay Paul Company


KPFF Consulting Engineers

MBH Architects

McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Nibbi Brothers General Contractors

OpenScope Studio


Page & Turnbull

Perkins Coie LLP

Prado Group

Related California

San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector

San Francisco State University

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)

Sierra Maestra Properties

Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE)

Stanford University


Sutter Health / CPMC

TEF Design

TMG Partners

The Trust for Public Land

The Unity Council Urban Planning Partners

Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRT)




AGI Avant, Inc.

Alameda Health System Foundation

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

The Boldt Company


Carpenters Local Union 22

Carpenters Local Union 405

Catalyst Housing Group

Charities Housing

City of Milpitas

City of Oakland Department of Transportation

City of San Jose Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services

Civic Edge Consulting

David Baker Architects

Donahue Fitzgerald LLP

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

Eden Housing

Environmental Science Associates (ESA)

Equity Community Builders


Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants

Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture

Gilbane Building Company

HKIT Architects

Holland & Knight LLP

Hospital Council of Northern and Central California

HR&A Advisors Inc.

Hudson Pacific Properties

The John Stewart Company

Jones Hall


Keyser Marston Associates, Inc.

Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.

KTGY Group, Inc.

Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

Lyngso Garden Materials Inc.

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.

The Morley Bros.

Old Republic Title Company – San Francisco

Paul Hastings LLP

Pelli Clarke & Partners


PYATOK Architects


Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey (RHAA Landscape Architecture + Planning)

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)

San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)

San Francisco Public Works (SF DPW)

San José State University

Santa Clara County Housing Authority

SF Firefighters Local 798

SITELAB urban studio


srmERNST Development Partners

Studio Current


Studio T-SQ, Inc.

Third Plateau

Tidewater Capital


Urban Catalyst

Valley Oak Partners, LLC

Valley Water

VIA – a Perkins Eastman Studio

Woods Bagot Architects


AARP California

Arnold & Porter LLP

Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co., LLC

BCV Architects

California Apartment Association

Center for Elders’ Independence

City of San Jose Department of Public Works

City of San Jose Department of Transportation

City of San Jose Office of Economic Development

Downtown Community Benefit District (Downtown SF)

EMS Solutions Inc.

Handel Architects, LLP

Heather Young Architects

Hoge Fenton Jones & Appel

Housing Trust Silicon Valley

Hunter Properties

Hyatt Regency San Francisco

L37 Partners

Lo Designs


Mark Cavagnero Associates Architects

Martin Building Company

Northern California District Council of Laborers

Oakland Museum of California

Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation

Office of Charles F. Bloszies, Ltd.

Pacific Waterfront Partners, LLC

Rutherford + Chekene

San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority

San Francisco Electrical Construction Industry Local 6

San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund

San Francisco Parks Alliance

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Schnitzer Properties

Seifel Consulting, Inc.

Structural Engineers Association of Northern California

Studio VARA

Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA)

Urban Design Consulting Engineers

Urban Economics


WP Investments

Yerba Buena Community Benefit District (YBCBD)


Standard Members

David Abercrombie

Carlos Abreu

Luby Aczel

Daniel Adams

Craig Adelman

Amit Aggarwal

Asha Agrawal

Dike Ahanotu

Jessica Alba

Bryan Alcorn

Dave Alden

Daisy Allen

Leslie Allen

Daniel Allison

Wesley Allred

Pamela Alston

Silas Amaral

Lewis Ames

Can Anbarlilar

Marcos Ancinas

Eric Anderson

Louise Anderson

Dm Anderson

Mats Andersson

Gregory Andreas

Donald Andreini

Chris Andrichak

Susan Anthony & Mark Wolfe

Ozzy Arce

Naomi Armenta

David Armour

Baruti Armstrong

Michael Armstrong

Newell Arnerich

Adam Aronson

Eileen Ash

Amie Ashton

Edward Atkinson

Jay Atkinson

Marylou Avanzino

Madeeha Ayub

William Bacon

Michael Bade

Lawrence Badiner

Akshay Badwe

Edgar Baek

Jason Baker

Lee Baker

Maura Baldwin

Bonnie Bamburg

Patrick Band

Jerry Barclay

Cheryl Barton

Sara Barz

Kathy Battat

Timothy Bauman

Brittani Baxter

Lynn Bayer

Kevin Beauchamp

Dominic Becker

Max Beckman-Harned

Stephanie Beechem

John Bela

Daniel Bell

Paul Bendix

Todd Benson

Lisa Beyer

Adam Bier

Matt Biggar

Samuel Blanchard

Bert Blanchette

Lucian Blazej

Howard Blecher

Joseph Bleckman

John Bliss & Kim Thompson

Steven Bliss

Mara Blitzer

Elliot Block

Wendy Bloom

Robert Bluhm

Jane Blumenfeld

David Bonowitz

Patricia Boomer

Barry Boothe

Dr. Earl Bossard

Jan Botha

Karen Boyd

Derek Braun

John Brazil

Robert Bregoff

Mary Breuer

Timothy Bridge

Charles Brigolin

Liz Brisson

Alexander Brown

Timothy Brown

Trevor Brown

Christopher Buckley

Julia Buford

Dane Bunton

Matthew Burdette

Ken Burke

Laurence Burnett

Shirl Buss

Nico Calavita

Amanda & Michael Calder

Joan Caldwell

Kyle Caldwell

Marilyn & Bill Campbell

Mia Candy

Maria-Elena Caprio

Atticus Carr

Pete Carrillo

Erin Carson

Jennifer Cavenaugh

Daniel Cedeño

Marc Centor

Eli Ceryak

Pele Chadima

Deni Chambers

Tammy Chan

Terence Chang

Helen Chapman

Leslie Chard

Harold Check

Alice Chen

Jonathan Cherry

Steven Cheung

Steven Chi

Staly Chin

Zaheen Chowdhury

Carolyn Choy

Jamie Choy

Terry Christensen

Anne Christie

Deborah & Randy Christman

Harry Chuck

Samuel Chui

Alger Ciabattoni

Sarah Ciudad

Kathryn Clagett

Liam Clark

Colin Clarke

Bradley Cleveland

Martin Cochran

Tina Coles

Garrett Colli

Christopher Collins

Zachary Conquer

Christopher Conway

David Cooke

Edward Cooke

Brian Corbett

Leslye Corsiglia

Eddie Corwin

Erik Corwin

Elaine Costello

Michael Cresanti

Carole Critchlow

Brendan Crockett

Troy Crosby

James Cross

Alden Cruz

Zachary Culp

Tim Culvahouse

Jack Cunha

Laura Cunningham

Evan Custer

Shahriar Daftari

Philip Dagostino

Drew Dara-Abrams

Andrew Darrell

Benner Davenport

Joshua Davis

Tim Davis

Chad Davis-Montgomery

Lise de Vito

Bartley Deamer

Kelly Dearman

Mary Liz DeJong

Monica Deka

Robert Del Rosario

Sarah Denny

Colin Dentel-Post

Avni Desai

Kenyon DeVault

Seth DeVoll

Chris DeWys

Brittany Dhawan

Isaac Diamond

Rosemary Dilger

Libby Dodd

Stephen Doherty

Margaret Dolan

Arly Cassidy Dolbakian

Natalia Dominguez

Edward Donaldson

Steven Dorst

Anne Drazen

Elizabeth Drew

Alice Duesdieker

Pamela Duffy

James Dunbar

Simon Dunne

Lara Dutto

Louise Dyble

Peter Eakland

Scott Eastman

Melissa Edeburn

Scott Edmondson

Joshua Ehrlich

Eric Eidlin

Jean Eisberg

Stacy Eisenstark

Jon Elam

David Eligator

Kathleen Ellis

Norman Emerson

Peter Engel

Cameryn Erickson

Anthony Errichetto

Michael Eshleman

Marco Esposito

Jann Eyrich

Jackson & Peggy Fahnestock

Daniel Fama

José Farrán

Paul Farrell

Jonathan Fearn

Erin Feeney

Casey Feeser

Anne Feldhusen

Maryjane Felice

Andrew Ferguson

Donna Ficarrotta & Michael Potepan

Katherine Fines

Ellie Fiore

Frances Fisher

Dr. M. Kay Flavell

Mitchell Fleischer

Dr. Moritz Fliedner

Sally Ann Flood

Victor Flores

Linda Fogel

Nicole Foletta

Jim Fong

Robert & Patti Fontanilla

Ian Foraker

Kallie Ford

Mike Forster

Bex Fortin

Louise Foulkes

Rochelle Frazier

Rod Freebairn-Smith & Janet Crane

Julia Fremon

Catherine French

Justin Fried

Kristi Friesen

Dr. Peter Finley Fry

Lisa Fiedler Fryman

Frank Fuller

Seth Furman

Charles Gabbe

Jeffrey Galbraith

Morgan Galli

Lenore Gallin

Aliza Gallo

Mitali Ganguly

Michael Garavaglia

Gloriana Garcia

Mai-Ling Garcia

Nitin Garg

William Garrett

David Gast & Elena Schmid

Brian Gatter

Christopher Gebhardt

Erika Gee

Megan Gee

Ed Gerber

Sara Ghalandari

Jeff Gherardini

David Gill

Norman Gilroy

Edward Giordano

Carol Goldberg

Mateo Gomez

Kyle Gong & Lillian Chen

Irving Gonzales

Pamela Goode

Ramya Gopal

David Gorgani

Larry Gould

Hugh Graham

Kelly Graham

Benjamin Grant

Gretchen Grant

Leslie Greenberg

Vanessa Gregson

Michael Griepentrog

Joseph Grubb

Bryan Grunwald

April Gubatina

Brad Gunkel

Lenore Gunst

Ross Guntert

Prema Gupta

Greg Gurren

James Haas

Lindsay Haddix

Doug Hagan

Cyrus Hall

Kristen Hall

Max Hall

Nora Hanak

Steven Hanson

Anton Haramis

Tara Hardesty

Charlotte Harris

Tom Harry

Mac Hart

Peter Hartman

Janna Hathaway

Linda Haumann

Robin Havens

Douglas Hayward

Matthew Hazel

Alan Heck

Ronald Heckmann

Richard & Linda Hedges

Eric Heiman

Jeffrey Heller

Paula Hendricks

Miles Henninger

Robert Herman

Weston Hermann & Yael Kisel

Elizabeth Hernandez

Stanley Herzstein & Lynn Altshuler

Donald Hesse

Lisa Hettler-Smith & Gordon Smith

Bert Hill

Melissa Hippard

Elizabeth Hirsch

Kazuko Hishida

Sarah Hobstetter

Dan Hodapp, Peggy Dasilva & Tatiana Hodapp

Paul Hoekstra

Brian Hoffer

Aaron Hollister

Rachel Hollowgrass

Ted Holman

Kari Holmquist

Heather Hood

Terry Horne

Claire Horton

Jonathan Hoyt

Maryann Hulsman

Ilario Huober

Shanna Hurley

Sanaa Hussain

Richard Hutson

Bill Hynes

Benjamin Irinaga

Dean Isaacs

Tina Iv

Joshua Jackson

Luther Jackson

Ryan James

Amandeep Jawa

Bryant Jenkins

Herbert Jeong

Yuriko Jewett

Alicia & J.B. John-Baptiste

Ellen Johnck

Oona Johnsen

Karl Johnson

Kenneth Johnson

Marcus Johnson

Marta Johnson

Matthew Jones

Trevor Jones

Barbara Jue

Ellen Kamei

John Kanberg

Kenneth Kao

Sarah Karlinsky & Matthew Zapruder

Jordan Karp

Sukhdeep Kaur

Michael Kavate

Dan Keller

Cynthia Kellogg

Brett Kelly

Mark Kelly

James Kennedy

Elizabeth Kerman-Morris

Mostafa J. Khiabani

Ron Kilcoyne

Erika Kimball

Lindsey Kiner

James Kingdon

Sanford Kingsley

Gary Kitahata

Lisa Klairmont & Harold Kleiderman

Reid Kleckner

Alex Kleiman

Jonathan Klein

Frederick Klemeyer

Walter Knoepfel

Chim Chune Ko

Phillip Kobernick

Charles Koch

Ines Koch

Sam Korol

Hans Korve

Richard & Sonja Kos

Andy Kosinski

Robert Kozma

Eli Krispi

Adam Krivatsy

Joseph Krovoza

Michelle Krumland

Paul Krupka

Gaurav Kulkarni

Abhishek Kumar

Lev Kushner

Nathan LaBudde

Joe Lachoff

Jonathan Lack

Donovan Lacy

Lila Lahood

Katherine Lambert

Michael Lambert

Nathan Landau

Neil Lang

Bruce Lanyon

Sally Large

Prof. David Larson

Gustav Larsson

Steve Lautze

Keith Layton

Ann & Jim Lazarus

Jason Lee

Olson Lee

Ronald Lee

Sangwoo Lee

Casey Leedom

Scott Lefaver

MaryAnn Leffel

Drew Lehman

John Lehnert

Vince Lepera

Eleanor Leshner

Robyn Leslie

Isabella Levin

Griffin Cloud Levine

Eugene Lew

Lawrence Li

Andy Lie

James Lightbody

Jane Lin

Nicholas Linda

Gordon Linden

Steve Line

Robin Liu

Camille Llanes-Fontanilla

Michelle Loeb

William Long

Oscar Quintanilla Lopez

Susan Lucas

Elinore & Lawrence Lurie

Dan Luscher

Chris Lyons

Jason Macario

Ian Macgregor

Mario Maciel

Alexandra MacKie

Laura MacMorran

Lynne Madera

Ramses Madou

Joe Maffei

Suzette Mahr

Marie Mai

John Malamut

Bridget Maley

Shari Malone

Asheem Mamoowala

Prof. Roberto Manduchi

David Mangot

Andrea Mardesich

Nick Marino

Alan Mark

Dan Marks

Roger Marshall

Barbara & Wilbur Marshman

Brent Martin

Nicholas Mascarello

Arthur May

Murphy McCalley

Benjamin McCloskey

Charlie McCollum

Brent McDonald

John McDonald

Julia McElhinney

Claire McFeely

Tomas & Donna McIntosh-Fletcher

Kate McGee

Patricia McGowan

Kasheica McKinney

William Mee

Susannah Meek

Bijan Mehryar

Emilia Mendoza

Hydra Mendoza

Wallace Mersereau

Gabriel Metcalf & Elizabeth Sullivan

Bill Meyer

Robert Meyers

Elaine Mihailoff

Laura Mihailoff

Brandon Miller

Deborah Miller

Joseph Miller

Kirk Miller

Mark Miller

Gordon Millichap

Leslie Milloy

John Minot

Katharine Minott

Kanika Mittal

Dorsey Moore

Jacky Morales-Ferrand

Ned Moran

Scott Moran

Andrea Morgan

Chris Morgan

Leroy Morishita

Edward Morris

Katie Morris

Richard & Ai Morten

Kirsten Moy

Jarrett Mullen

Michael Muller

Christina Mun

Robert Munson

Corbin Muraro

Danny Murphy

Dennis Murphy

Jay Murphy

Michael & Mary Murphy

Seamus Murphy

Graham Murray

Richard Murray

Elizabeth Nachman

Anthony Nachor

Kenta Nagamine

Laura Nakamura

Anu Natarajan

Layal Nawfal

Mike Needham

Scott Nesmith

Alyssa Netto

Richard Newbold

Joseph Newfield

Sally Nielsen

Jonathan Noble

Christopher Noll

Cailin Notch

Jan Novak

Janice Oakley

Ian Obanion

David O’Connell

Frank O’Connell

Mark O’Dell

Andrew Oglesby

Roger Olpin

Robert Olshansky

Ted Olsson

Alexandra Orologas

Danny O’Shea

Bruce Osterweil & Patricia Furlong

Duncan Owen

Kathryn Owens

Cristian Padilla

Nicholas Palter

Dennis Paoletti

James Pappas

Sanjay Parate

Sylvie Pare

Rupa Parikh

Lisa Partida

Johanna Partin

Jason Patton

Devan Paul

Elizabeth Payne

Roslyn Payne

Karin Payson

Stephen Pearce

Barry Pearl

Mark Pearson

Christopher Pederson

Vanessa Peers

Becca Perata

Brian Perlman

Rachel Peterson

Adam Phillips

Johannes Pieters

Darlene Plumtree

Ramakrishna Pochiraju

Susan Poliwka

Noah Pollaczek

Lisa Porras

Laura Powell

Margi Power

Katherine Powers

Ron Poznansky

Bruce Prescott

Laurel Prevetti

John Price

Sarah Price

Steven Price

Susan Price

Stewart Pringle

Nicholas Privitera

Tyler Pullen

Charles Purvis

Kaitlyn Quackenbush

Dan Quigley

Michael Rabanal

Savannah Rae

Rick Ramacier

Gerald Ramiza

Brian Randall

Vic Randall

Rafael Rangell

Bill Rankin

Srinivas Rao-Mouw

Stephanie Rapp

Eric Ratner

Lisa Ratner

Susannah Raub

Dr. Jurate Raulinaitis

Richard Raya

James Reber

Diana Reddy

Elizabeth Reder

Christine Reed

Mathew Reed

Ray Reedy

Tom Reicher

Michael Reilly

Teresa Remillard

Mark Rhoades

David Rhoads

Jeffrey Rhoads

Christopher Rice

Andrew Richard

James Richert

Greg Riessen

C. Rindi

Greg Ripa & John Vu

Mike Rivera

Page Robbins

Jack Robertson

Pamela Robinson

Greg Robley

François Rodigari

Bryan Rodriguez

Alice Rogers

Leslie Rogers

Thomas Rogers

Frank Rollo

Jessica Romm

Michael Rooney

Adolph Rosekrans

Jeanne Rosenmeier

Daphne Ross

Steven Ross

Kim Rotchy

Sybille Roth

Gwen Rousseau

Brian Rowley

Gayle Rubin

Thomas Rubin

Melissa Ruhl

Andrea Ruiz-Esquide

Kenneth Russell

Rosanna Russell

Susan Russell

Robert Sabbatini

Michael Sacks

Brent Saldana

Alejandro Sanchez

Debra Sanderson

Mark Sawicki

Natalie Saylor

Alexander Schafran

Gary Schilling & Stefan Hastrup

Clayton Schloss

Alison Schmitt

Dylan Schneider

Ellis Schoichet

Deborah Schrimmer

Elliot Schwartz

Kathy Scott

Maureen Sedonaen

Robert Semper

Tim Seufert

Patrice Shaffer

Ritu Sharma

Saurabh Sharma

Brian Shaw

Judy Shepard-Hall

Gregory Shimamura

Ben Shively

Alex Shoor

Donald Shoup

Justin Shupp

Lisa Siegel-Sullivan

Patrick Siegman

Mercedes Sierra

Blake Silkwood

Teddi & Michael Silverman

Bryan Silverthorn

Kyle Simerly

Larry Simi & Janet Rogers

Beau Simon

Cathy Simon

Leonard Singer

Bharat Singh

Ralph Sinick

Justin Skoda

Timothy Sloat

Barry Smith

Constance Smyser

Lydia So

Jennifer Sobol

Patricia Solis

Micah Solit

Nicole Soultanov

Bryant Sparkman

Steven Spickard

Gail Staba

Jacquelyn Stanton

John Stark

Kathy Steel

Ren Steen & Devan Reiff

Candice Stein

Elliot Stein

Eric Steiner

Gregory Stepanicich

Daniel Stephens

Jared Stern

Margaret Stevenson

Robert Stevenson

Alexis Stewart

Eve Stewart

Kat Stewart

Natasha Stewart

Marc Steyer

Suzanne St. John-Crane

Lawrence Stone

Sophia Storlazzi

Charles Stott

Dr. Genie Stowers

Marilyn Straka

Ken Stram

Gary Strang

Brian Stryzek

Zack Subin

Karen Carlson Sugarman

Edward Suharski

Silvia Sulis

Edward Sullivan

Michelle Sullivan

Kathy Sutherland

Eri Suzuki

Gail & Paul Switzer

Joshua Switzky

Grey Sylvester

Rebecca Tabor

Matthew Taecker

Asumu Takikawa

Augusta Talbot

Andrew Tang

Neil Tangri

Aaron Tartakovsky

Yann Taylor

Egon Terplan

Calvin Thigpen

Edward Thomas

Jack Thompson

Sarah Thompson

Amy Thomson

Allison Thuang

Gerry Tierney

Nancy Tierney

John Tillotson

Julien Tinnes

Walker Toma

Anthony Tordillos

Lola Torney

Will Travis

Heidi Tremayne

Ryan Tripp

Shawn Troedson

William Troppe

Jeff Truesdell

Barnett Trzcinski

Kari Tsubota

Randy Tsuda

Stephen Tu

Lauren Tulp

Connor Turnbull

Elizabeth Tyler

Nathan Ulsh

David Umberg

Francis Upton

Paul Utrecht

Jerry Vail

Mark Valentine

Jayson VanBeusichem

Brent Van Brocklin

Martin Vanderlaan

John Van Horne

Jesus Vargas

Eric Vaughan

Prashant Velagaleti

Christine Velasquez

Sandra Venning

Joel Ventresca

Jack Verdon

Kyle Vinson

Peter Vliet

Julie Vogel

Liz Volchok

Sarka Volejnikova

Fred von Lohmann

Kate Voshell

David Vossbrink

Kara Vuicich

Tobias Wacker

Kathryn Wagner

Nicole Wagy

Dominique Walker

Tom Walker

Jean Walsh

Monica Walters

Kristy Wang & Nik Kaestner

Andrew Warner

Elaine Warren

Anne Campbell Washington

Duncan Watry

Jane Wattenberg

Joy Wei

Emily Weinstein

Mark Weisman

Dana Weissman

Ray Welter

Paul Wermer

Karen Westmont

Linda Wheaton

Michael & Julie Whitcomb

Jeff White

William White

Jacqueline Whitelam

Greg Wiberg

Steven Wiesenthal

Anne Wilke

Neil Williams

Stacy Williams

Hank Willson

Peter Winch

Robin Winogrond

Timothy Wirth

Susie Wise

Suzanne Wolf

Melanie Wolfe

Helen Wolter

Geri Wong

Harry Wong

Howard Wong

Jeffrey Wood

Robert Wood

Kristina Woolsey

Thomas Wright

Rachel Wuerstlin

Nicholas Xydes

Andrew Yang

Jackie Yang

Wright Yang & J. Lee Stickles

Denny Yau

Emerald Yeh & Ron Blatman

Jonathan Yolles

Denise Youmans

Mark Young

Matthew Youngblood

David Zandman

Haihua Zhao

Ilir Zherka

Eli Zigas & Savanna Ferguson

Scott Zimmermann

Jackie Zipkin

Ron Zraick

In-Kind Donors

Dena Belzer, Strategic Economics

David Bonowitz, Structural Engineer

Cade Cannedy, Climate Resilient Communities

Coblentz, Patch, Duffy and Bass

Deloitte San José Office

Economic and Planning Systems

Christopher S. Elmendorf, Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law

Emerald Fund

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Jones Lang LaSalle

Kosmont Companies

James Lightbody, Lightbody Consulting

Ed Randolph, Caliber Strategies

SERA Architects

Manan Shah, Gensler Oakland Office

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Joe Speicher, Autodesk

Studio Current

Jack Sylvan, Sylvan Development Group

Urban Land Institute

Wilson Meany

Board of Directors

Board of Directors


Lydia Tan

Vice Chair

Ariane Coleman Hogan

HR Lead

Jaye Bailey


Lindsay Baker

Fundraising Chair

David Friedman


Cynthia Wong


Daniel Cedeño

Ed Harrington

Carl Shannon



Jay Bradshaw

Shiyama Clunie

Sam Cobbs

Lynette Dias

John Diffenderfer

Oz Erickson

Don Falk

Sally Ann Flood

David Hart

Brian Jencek

Dawn Kamalanathan

Hao Ko

Gregg Miller

David Nieh

Shannon Peloquin

Rebecca Prozan

Shakirah Simley

Joe Speicher

Ari Takata-Vasquez

Ben Tripousis

Molly Turner

San Francisco City Advisory Board


Hao Ko

Vice Chair

Genevieve Cadwalader



Ana Luisa Aldana

Jay Bradshaw

Chris Brown

Shiyama Clunie

Kim-Mai Cutler

Kelly Dearman

Sarah Dennis Phillips

Tamsen Drew

Stephen Engblom

Don Falk

Tyra Fennell

Jean Fraser

Ed Harrington

Brian Jencek

Dawn Kamalanathan

Dorka Keehn

Gregg Miller

Shannon Peloquin

Rebecca Prozan

Guillermo Rodriguez

Jack Sylvan

Kate White

Lauren Wilson


San José City Advisory Board


Ben Tripousis

Vice Chair

Kathy Duong



Anil Babbar

Daniel Cedeño

John Diffenderfer

Gary Dillabough

Shelley Doran

Rosalynn Hughey

Ria Hutabarat Lo

Christine Laing

James Lightbody

Camille Llanes-Fontanilla

Barbara Marshman

Chris Neale

David Nieh

Kristina Raspe

James Reber

Karla Rodriguez Lomax

Jasneet Sharma

Kelly Snider

Leah Toeniskoetter

Geri Wong

Oakland City Advisory Board


Lynette Dias


Molly Turner



Kim-Mai Cutler

Carolyn Johnson

Andrea Lowe

Jay Murphy

Ari Takata-Vasquez

Chek F. Tang

Amy Tharpe

Lauren Wilson




Editorial Content

Alicia John-Baptiste

Ren Steen

Project Management
and Art Direction

Lauren Foster


Shawn Hazen


Neelu Bhuman, Andrew Nicholson

Principle Photography

Sergio Ruiz

Additional Photography
and Illustration

Sarah Atkinson

Bruce Damonte - David Baker Architects


Mike Flippo

​​David Llyod AECOM San Francisco

Lanny Nguyen

Visit Oakland

Sundry Photography

Samuel Rodriguez


Olivia Smart Photography

Jane Song

Michael Waldrep


Eli Zigas