Weekly Snapshot: Good News for Seattle Bikers and Walkers? Kinda.

Sharrows coming to South Jackson Street, Seattle. Photo by flickr user Joshua_Putnam

Seattle is consistently ranked one of the nation's most bikeable and walkable cities, with low pedestrian fatality rates, bicycle-friendly legislation and a high percentage of commuters who bike or walk to work. However, some worry that these high scores have made Seattle "too cocky," and that the city still has a ways to go in providing acceptable bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Residents hope Seattle's relative success does not defer the city from investing in better and more extensive facilities for traveling by bike and foot.

Read full story at PubliCola

More from the week in urbanism:

Don't Fear the City: Urban America's Crime Drops to Lowest in 40 Years
Recent data from the FBI reports that cities, especially those with a population of more than 1 million, are seeing a sharp decline in urban crime rates.
Read full story at The Atlantic

Lights on Market Street
A short film by Public Architecture shows how temporary installations of three large scale lighting displays on Market Street has brought greater vibrancy to the area at night.
Watch film at Vimeo

Five Media Myths That Perpetuate Car Culture
A post on Streetsblog suggests that the media fuels an unhealthy car culture by the continued use of hackneyed language related to Americans' car dependence.
Read full story at D.C. Streetsblog